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This story picks up a few months after "A Starsky and Hutch Reunion" ends. Again, it's rated "R" for adult language and hetero sex scenes. Tee
Teri Colosimo
Trini knew her husband (as much as she adored the man) was going to be fairly useless when their baby cried at night-- her "predicament" at the moment proof positive of the fact. The man could sleep through most anything-- and his wife going into labor was obviously one of them.
Trying to concentrate on those damn breathing exercises, hold herself upright against the bedroom doorjamb, and attempting to wake her snoring husband was almost more than Trini's temperament could take at the moment. Still, smiling despite herself, Trini knew it was partially her fault Hutch was so exhausted. Their doctor had prescribed a sporting round of sex to help the now overdue Trini along, and they had both happily complied with the "order." It was when Trini had later roused herself to use the bathroom (only to realize she didn't need to go) that her water broke. Everywhere.
Trini bore down and gritted her teeth as another contraction started. Jesus, aren't they supposed to start out a little easy, then get worse? Their doctor had warned Trini that "back labor" was a very real possibility for her since her pelvis tilted back a little. (Her not so charming husband had grinned and made the wiseass comment, "I never noticed.") The baby's head would probably push on the tailbone causing some very real pain, and make delivery a little more difficult since the baby had to go "up and out"... so to speak. Also, Trini was reminded, again, that she wasn't exactly 18 anymore and labor could be... well, less fun, but they'd all get through it fine. Trini could have slapped her doctor for the reference to age... not so much for her, but for Hutch. They were both very aware of their respective ages, and didn't need to have it thrown in their faces.
Trini rested her head against the doorjamb and tried those stupid breathing patterns again. She would have laughed at herself if the pain wasn't so bad. What the hell's wrong with me? I've been smacked around by pimps and pushers, shot, had broken bones... nothing has hurt like this! Probably 'cuz I got drugs after all that... no drugs to ease it off this time! As the contraction eased off, she again looked to her sleeping spouse. This time she didn't even try and contain herself.
Hutch bolted out of bed looking his usual disheveled self upon waking, but at least he was alert. Good thing for him too, or Trini might have killed him just to see if she could actually get away with blaming it on surging hormones.
Trini smiled as much as the pain would allow and began to calmly direct her husband. He was going to freak out and she was doing her best to avoid too much weirdness right now.
"Ken," she started out, trying to keep the controlled voice she was using going strong, "I need you to get my bags, Honey. Then, I need you to put something on, and drive me to the hospital."
It was amazing to Trini that a man who was so intelligent and "with it" could look so dumb. Taking in the wet floor and Trini's pained face, the realization suddenly clicked on Hutch's face. Comically, he quickly looked down at his previously forgotten nakedness and hurried to the dresser. Trini smiled as he fell into the wall trying to put on his jeans and socks at the same time... the man wasn't always graceful at the best of times, and right now he was totally off-balance.
Finally, Hutch was dressed enough to be considered decent and had Trini's suitcases in hand. Suddenly, he stopped in front of Trini with that perplexed look on his face again. Trini helped Hutch out since his reasoning skills were still very obviously sleep-muddled.
"Ken, I'm fine. Take the bags out to the car, then you can help me out."
Hutch smiled sheepishly at himself, nodded and quickly ran to the front door. Trini shook her head and smiled at his departing back. It's a miracle he wasn't killed... maybe my uncle did all the thinking. Even as she mentally tormented her husband, Trini knew it wasn't true. Hutch had been one of the best cops this city had ever seen... he only "lost it" when it concerned the well being of Trini or a member of the Starsky family. When Hutch's heart was involved, his head had a hard time thinking clearly.
Trini's musings were interrupted by another spasm of pain as she held fast to the doorjam again, wondering if her fingers were leaving marks where they gripped the wood. Hutch returned at that moment to see his wife doubled over in pain. Tentatively he reached out to softly stroke her hair. Little comfort, he knew, but he had to do something!
Hutch waited until Trini's white-knuckle grip loosened before he tried to talk to his wife. The man wasn't a fool.
"How far apart?"
Trini smiled up at her husband... realizing he was "back" and in control again.
"Damn, you recovered quick."
Hutch's laughing answer made her smile even more, "I'm a dork when I wake up. You gotta give me a little coffee before you throw things like this at me."
"You're not a dork, just-- disoriented and clumsy at first."
"Hell, I'm that wide awake."
Their smiles quickly faded as Trini was gripped by yet another contraction. Hutch's handsome face crinkled up into a scowl.
"That close, huh?"
Trini could only nod.
Hutch tenderly rubbed her back then kissed Trini's forehead. He didn't like this at all. Was this the way labor was supposed to go? It sure seemed to be hitting his wife awfully fast, and the pain on her face concerned him... Trini wasn't a wimp. No, he didn't like this at all.
"I called 'Battle Ax' when I was at the car, so she's waiting. Should I call an ambulance or are you goi..."
Trini cut him off. "I am not delivering my child in an ambulance, and so help me Ken Hutchinson, if you call her 'Ba..."
Hutch smiled and Trini stopped her tirade. He was purposely trying to get her dander up by calling Dr. Axtholmes his usual nickname for the woman. If Trini hadn't taken the bait Hutch would've known she was too far along to make it in their car. As it was, Trini took the hand Hutch offered and they plodded together out of their home and down the driveway. Silently, Trini took a moment to thank the powers that be that Hutch had allowed Trini to pick their new car... she'd heard too many horror stories about "the pieces of crap" Hutch had owned before. Long and loud from her uncle. Thankfully, Trini knew this car would get her to the hospital without "conking" out.
Hutch helped Trini into the car, then reached across her swollen abdomen to buckle the seatbelt... always the cautious and considerate husband. Trini shook her head and kissed him gently on the check when he was done. He knew her words weren't angry even if she pretended to be, "You didn't play fair back there. You know me too well."
He kissed her gently on the lips before replying, "I know, but it's fair. You know me too well, too."
Trini nodded then gripped the dashboard and started her breathing again as Hutch rushed to his side of the car.
For some reason Trini wasn't dilated quite to her doctor's liking when they'd arrived at the hospital, and even though Trini wanted to push, she'd been repeatedly told not to. Trini was having a classic case of strong back labor with the baby "butting" against the tailbone, and Dr. Axtholmes suggested that maybe her body was too busy fighting pain to dilate. Hutch was growing worried and was feeling useless watching his wife struggle. The doctor had ordered Trini hooked to an epidural to ease the pain and give her body some time to dilate better. The epidural had now been removed and Trini was starting to move constantly on the delivery room bed... no position eased the back pain.
Yet another nurse came in to check the dilation progress... much to Trini's general discontent. Trini grabbed Hutch by the shirt collar and pulled him to her as the nurse continued the exam.
Trini didn't look happy as she informed him, "You tell them if they put one more thing IN me when something's supposed to be coming out, somebody's gonna be sorry!"
Hutch was taken aback by his wife and her outburst, then he remembered their Lamaze classes and how the wives "crossed over" to the not so sweet side. Surely she had to be close and he told her so.
"Honey, it can't be long now." Desperately, Hutch looked to the nurse for answers and was relieved when she smiled up at him.
"I'll go get the doctor now Mr. Hutchinson."
Hutch sighed and realized he hadn't felt this relieved since the last time he was in a hostage situation. He remembered he'd helped get all those people out alive, and hoped he could do the same thing for himself with this woman who looked like his wife...
Trying to calm his agitated wife, he told her, "The nurse is gettin..." Trini shot him daggers, and he sheepishly smiled. "Oh yeah. You probably heard all that."
Hutch looked around and wondered, Where the hell's Starsky? He should be here when I really need him to help save my life. Even as he listened to his own musings, Hutch knew why they were in the delivery room alone. Trini liked her privacy. Still, Hutch would have felt "safer" with backup.
Thankfully for Hutch, Dr. Axtholmes quickly appeared wearing her "scrubs" and goggles. Hutch wrinkled his nose a little at the goggles, and wondered, Just how messy does this get? And, where are mine if they're so damned necessary?
Trini reached out to tightly hold Hutch's hand when the doctor finally gave the okay to push. Trini's body was grateful for the release, and she only had to push a few times before Hutch was being directed to cut the umbilical cord. With shaking hands and teary eyes, Hutch cut the cord then moved back to Trini's side and kissed her.
His tired but glowing wife returned the kiss before she asked, "Rachel or Michael?"
Hutch smiled in memory of the night they'd decided on names... it hadn't been all that hard either. The Starsky family was really all the family Hutch had ever had, so he was more than happy to name their child after "Trini's" side of the family. Trini had loved her uncle's mother (Trini still had a hard time comprehending her father and her uncle came from the same womb!) so much that "Rachel" had just seemed right for a girl. On Hutch's insistence, a boy would be named "Michael Andrew" for the best friend he loved as much as his wife, and the Grandfather who'd always loved Hutch unconditionally.
Hutch winked at Trini instead of answering, and she knew she'd been right the whole time. They had a boy. Her uncle had lost the "pool" at work since he was the only person who bet against Trini. She'd known all along she was carrying a son to carry on the Hutchinson name for her husband.
Dr. Axtholmes finished cleaning and examining the baby, then placed him in Trini's waiting arms. Slowly, Trini moved the baby blanket back a little to stare at the miracle she and Hutch had brought into the world. Thankfully, she counted ten tiny little fingers and toes. Trini'd worried her age might "harm" the baby somehow, but as she gazed at their son all her worries faded away. He was absolute perfection.
Carefully placing a gentle kiss on Michael's forehead she whispered, "Hello, Michael. I've been waiting my whole life for you." Trini smiled up at Hutch as she tenderly placed the baby into his nervously waiting arms. Trini quietly added, "And this wonderful man is your Daddy, Michael."
Hutch didn't know if it was lack of sleep, the strain of just having seen his wife in such pain for so long, the worry that something had been wrong with Trini and/or the baby, or simply the fact that Trini had so lovingly called him "Daddy" but,... something made him cry.
Hutch's tear stained eyes brought Starsky out of his waiting room chair in one hell of a hurry. Starsky was almost scared until Hutch smiled and held his arms out to his best friend. Starsky readily hugged his friend-- relief and happiness coursing through every part of his being. Then, Starsky smiled wickedly and threw out a line he'd used on Hutch so many years before, "Well? A boy, a girl, or something in between?" Hutch laughed and turned to address the rest of their waiting "family" instead of dignifying Starsky's joke with any sort of answer.
Puffing up proudly, Hutch informed them, "Two at a time may journey to room 203 to meet my son."
Starsky quickly looked back to make sure nobody else was daring to move before he took off in the direction of Trini's room. Leslie smiled and looked at Huggy who was also practically frothing at the bit. Nodding in Starsky's general direction, Leslie urged their friend, "Go on Hug. We girls can join Hutch and his son later."
That was all the encouragement it took for Huggy and Hutch to hastily follow Starsky. Leslie and Candita smiled at each other, then rose to call James and Marcus to inform them of the latest male addition to their family.
Trini was so happy and riding high on excitement she wasn't sure how she was ever going to fall asleep. But, the nurse who was taking Trini's blood pressure and temperature was hell bent on making sure Hutch was leaving-- and soon-- so Trini and the baby could rest.
Wistfully, Hutch looked at his contentedly sleeping son. Michael had taken to nursing like a champ, and he seemed sated, warm, and happy. Hutch on the other hand was anything but as he bid his wife a quiet goodbye.
"I'll miss you both. Will you call me first thing so I'll know when to pick you guys up?"
"Ken, I can't leave until Dr. Axtholmes has done Michael's circumcision and given me the go-ahead to leave."
Hutch shivered when Trini mentioned the circumcision and wrinkled his nose, "Does he have...?"
Trini stopped him, "Hutch, you know we covered all this before... I already talked to David, and he agrees that it's best to circumcise a boy now. We know the health risks if we don't. Plus, I know the twins are... from changing their diapers when they were little. I want him to be healthy, and to look like the other men in this family."
Hutch blushed and looked up to see if the nurse was listening to their private whispers but she was packing up to leave. Hutch was glad they'd have a moment of privacy now.
Sighing, Hutch gave in. "I know you're right. It's's his.... well, it's a guy thing."
Trini smiled and reached for her husband's hand. "I don't like to think of him in pain, either. You know it has to be done, so stay away until it's over. Deal?"
Hutch nodded then bent down to kiss his son on the cheek. "Sorry little man-- I tried. Goodnight, Michael."
Trini shook her head. "I can already tell your gonna make me look like the bad-guy with him. Not fair Hutchinson." Tilting her head up, she readily kissed her husband goodbye. "I'll call you early... I'm already ready to leave. And don't lie to me, you're not going to miss me at all. You and my uncle will be with Huggy celebrating."
Hutch smiled guiltily, "I'll still miss you, though."
"I know. That's one of the reasons I love you so much."
Hutch turned to go then stopped at the door. Suddenly he was very serious. "Trini, I may ask you to the bad-guy a lot, so don't get mad at me, O.K.? I may only get one shot at this dad thing and you could..." He abruptly stopped, looking impatient with himself and the whole conversation. "Just don't hate me, O.K.?"
"Hutch, I could never hate you, and we can have more..."
"Trini, I'm happy with Michael. You and Michael are all I ever needed. Thanks for making it all possible."
Trini nodded before sleepily whispering back, "Ditto."
Relieving himself of yet another beer, Hutch smiled and thought about his wife. Of course Trini'd been right... he, Starsky, and Huggy were completely shitfaced and, trying to play Monopoly. For shots instead of property.
Hutch laughed a little at the absurdity of it all then headed back downstairs to join his friends. Hutch'd used the upstairs bathroom so Huggy could have the closer downstairs bathroom. Hutch couldn't believe the weak bladder that man possessed.
Starting his descent down the stairs, Hutch caught sight of Huggy gleefully slapping his hands together as Starsky winced. Obviously, Starsky was losing (as usual) since Huggy was handing him another shot. Hutch felt a little stupid standing there watching them, and he wondered if it was nerves from earlier or just the alcohol making his mind wander. But, wander it did.
Hutch remembered waking up a few months back and taking in a scene closely resembling the one he was now gazing down on. The scene was of Starsky and Trini, and no drinks had been involved, but the laughter most certainly fit the picture Hutch was replaying in his mind.
The sounds of Trini's laughter had awakened Hutch that day. He'd slept in until afternoon since he'd been on a case by himself all night. Starsky had been ill (so ill that Hutch had driven him to the doctor two days before) and he couldn't join the stakeout. As luck would have it, Hutch had to do the stakeout on his own since he'd flatly refused his pregnant wife's company, telling her she needed to sleep for their baby. He'd staggered groggily to the top of the stairs the next day, then looked downstairs at his wife and best friend with a feeling close to dread... or something else that he couldn't name.
Trini had laughed heartily at something her uncle had said, then started to move her gamepiece around the board. Starsky then had reached across the table to gently caress Trini's face with the back of his hand. Trini's smile never waned as she'd turned her head and kissed the hand her uncle still held against her cheek.
"I love you, too." She'd whispered, and for a moment Hutch seemed to think he could determine what that feeling was tugging at his soul. Jealousy, guilt, fear, and insecurity all wrapped up one nasty little green-eyed package.
For the first time ever, Hutch genuinely hated himself. He hated the fact that he could be so weak and selfish, and he despised himself for not reveling in the mutual love they all three so obviously shared for each other. Hutch couldn't believe he was jealous of the affection Trini held for Starsky and vice-versa. Hutch supposed it was because he'd loved Starsky for so long, and Starsky had always loved him back, but... the love Trini and Starsky had was different. And maybe it made Hutch feel a little left out.
Shaking his head at his own stupidity, Hutch had continued to watch them silently. Starsky got a decent roll and was gloating as Trini'd teased, "Yeah. Better be proud of that one. You ain't getting any more now."
Hutch smiled before he even realized he was. They sounded like, well like him and Starsky.
It's all alright, you dumb ass! Starsky loves you... Starsky loves Trini. Trini loves Starsky and you equally. You love her and, well... you tolerate him.
Laughing a little, Hutch had started down the stairs to join in on the game, and the love everyone could share without feeling guilty or left out. He'd felt stupid afterwards. Especially when he'd gotten drunk one night and told Starsky.
Starsky's silence across the darkened patio had made Hutch wonder if the effects of the alcohol had finally done Starsky in. Then, slowly, Starsky started to laugh. It started as a soft snicker that eventually turned into full blown hysteria. And it pissed Hutch off.
"You know what, asshole? That's the last time I tell you anything."
Starsky's laughter was barely under control now as he moved to sit closer by Hutch. Hutch's reaction was to try and move his chair, but Starsky grabbed his arm and held fast. It was dark, but Hutch's glare would've been visible to a blind man.
"Come on, Hutch. Sit still." Starsky soothed. "I was only laughin' 'cuz we're too much the same, buddy."
Hutch had to be looking at him with that confused scowl, but it was dark, and Starsky couldn't focus clearly on anything anyhow.
"I guess I'd been giving you 'the stinky eye' according to my wife. She accused me of being jealous that Trini loved you so damn much. My dear wife! Can 'ya believe it?" Starsky's smile came across in his voice, "I guess I just always loved you so much, then I loved her so much, then you two started loving each other so much..."
Gently placing a comforting hand on Starsky's knee, Hutch whispered, "Me, too. It was dumb, wasn't it?"
Placing his hand over Hutch's, Starsky gave it a quick squeeze, "Aw, we can still love Trini just as much. It don't matter... neither of us loves her more. Just differently. Sums us up, too."
Hutch understood what Starsky was trying to say even if it all wasn't connected properly or phrased how others could grasp it. The two of them understood, and that's all that mattered.
Trini was already completely packed and dressed by the time Hutch arrived to take her and Michael home. Michael had already been circumcised and delivered to his mother for comfort, and that's what she was doing now. Michael had only cried a moment before hungrily accepting the breast his mother offered, and he'd greedily began nursing. When Hutch got to Trini's room and took in the peaceful scene his wife and son were creating in front of him, he could only stop and stare. In a sentimental moment, Hutch wished the tableau could be frozen in time-- the peaceful babe in his beautiful mother's arms-- the way Trini was gazing so adoringly at their newborn son-- the total completion Hutch felt as he watched his family.
Trini noticed her husband quietly waiting outside, watching her and Michael, and she smiled at him, "Hello, Mr. Hutchinson."
Hutch returned his wife's smile before joining her on the bed to sit beside her. He leaned in to kiss her cheek, "Hello, Mrs. Hutchinson." Smiling at her wickedly, Hutch nodded in the general direction of his son who was still happily feeding, "He's all Hutchinson, huh?"
Knowing immediately what her husband was implying, Trini smiled back and winked, "Yep. A breast man."
Hutch laughed heartily and Michael startled a little, losing his grip on his mother. Trini took the opportunity to switch sides. Michael was almost ready to protest his lack of food when Trini quickly placed herself in front of his already rutting face. Shaking his head, Hutch smiled and reached a tentative hand out to stroke the baby's cheek. Looking to Trini as if for permission, she nodded and Hutch gently ran a finger down Michael's cheek. Awe and happiness coursed through Hutch when he whispered, "He's absolutely perfect, isn't he?" Leaning over to rest her head on Hutch's shoulder, Trini could only nod.
Thankfully for Trini, Hutch had stayed at home with Trini and Michael for the first few days. Trini had laughed at herself, saying she couldn't believe how little she'd get done with Michael around! Taking a shower was a feat in itself-- usually Hutch came in looking sheepishly around the curtain holding their "starving" son. Long, uninterrupted showers were a thing of the past.
It'd been almost 3 weeks and as much as Trini loved having Daddy and baby all to herself, it was now time she braved it on her own. She knew she'd be fine, but Hutch couldn't seem to get enough of his son and held him entirely too much. Still, Trini knew a man like Hutch needed to be active and busy-- he was ready to go back to work. Hutch just wanted it to be Trini's idea, and she planned to tell him over dinner tonight. Now all she had to do was feed their son, lay him down for a nap, then get ready before her husband returned with their dinner.
Returning from the grocery store, Hutch opened the kitchen door to the most pleasing site of his wife-- fresh from the shower-- hair still dripping water down her back-- dancing to music in her underwear as she loaded the dishwasher. Quietly, Hutch closed the kitchen door behind him then went to stand behind Trini to admire the view. It was like he had a new wife, and he never had gotten "bored" with the "old" one.
Trini'd had a friend of hers come to the house and cut her shoulder length curls into a shapely shorter style {easier to take care of with the baby} and her already pleasing breasts were even fuller now that she was nursing. Even the 7 pounds Trini was still so desperate to lose after carrying Michael was nice to look at. Not to Trini though, and Hutch suspected her new cut was really just an attempt to control her looks. Trini hated being out of control when it came to her looks-- especially where the weight was concerned. Hutch hadn't minded the new cut {or the new curves}-- he loved the new "sporty" look it gave his already adorable wife. The new haircut didn't cover the back of her lovely neck anymore, making it easy for Hutch to place a long, sweet kiss there.
Trini immediately turned to him and returned the kiss.
"Hey yourself. Where's our son if he's not attached to you?"
Smiling and rubbing her hand inside Hutch's shirt, Trini nodded towards the staircase leading to the upstairs bedrooms.
Trini wasted no time showing Hutch exactly what she planned to do with him while their son slept, and she pulled him close kissing him deeply. Hutch pulled back a little hesitantly.
"Did 'Battle Ax' approve this?"
Laughing, Trini gently grabbed her husband's hand and steered him upstairs to their room. "I got a 'release' from the doctor. Clean bill of health and all that. Do you want to read it, or do we take advantage of the moment?"
Hutch was more than ready, but...
Trini sighed and smiled at him. Jesus, he was so considerate. "Ken, I'll tell you if it hurts, O.K?"
Relief and embarrassment crossed his face at the same time, but he was willing to try now. Nodding, he reached around his wife to open their bedroom door, then playfully pushed her inside.
The calm and loving moment Hutch and Trini were sharing was abruptly ended by the forceful cry of their son. Rolling out of bed, Trini took time to wink back at Hutch, "Thanks, I needed that."
Hutch's deep, rumbling laugh followed her out of their room. He took a moment to stretch before rising to put his robe on and help Trini with dinner.
When Hutch got downstairs, Trini had fed Michael and laid him on the floor with the blanket Starsky had ordered specially made for the new baby. Hutch loved the blanket, but would never...never... tell his best friend that. Hutch remember tormenting Starsky after they'd opened it, Who the hell has a baby blanket made with a "striped tomato" on it?
Hutch still couldn't believe it to this day.
Even as Hutch looked at the blanket with his usual mock-contempt, he couldn't help but love his friend for the gift. Weird or not, it was given with love and a sense of friendship {and a little Starsky humor} that couldn't be replaced with anything else.
Sitting down cross-legged by their son, Trini pulled on the robe Hutch had thoughtfully brought into the kitchen with him. Trini played with Michael for a moment as she tried to put into words what she needed to say to her husband. Hutch knew she was thinking way too hard about something, and was trying to find out what.
"Hey Miss Bella-Starsky, got somethin' on your mind?"
Shaking her head and smiling up at her husband, Trini tried to sound put out, "I thought I was Mrs. Ken Hutchinson. What'd I do to be single again?"
Bending to kiss his wife, Hutch laughed at her. "You were just looking an awful lot like your uncle when he had something important to discuss but was trying to avoid." Rising, Hutch moved into the kitchen to start dinner.
Nodding her head very seriously, Trini knew it was now or never. Looking at the floor, Trini spilled out what she wanted to say... quickly and without any kind of eloquence.
"I just thought... well, maybe Michael and I could join you for lunch at the office tomorrow."
Slowly, Hutch put down the knife he was holding, and ignored the vegetables in front of him. Trini panicked and her words came out even quicker than before.
"Ken, please don't be mad... I just thought you'd be ready to get back to 'duty'..."
Hutch purposely moved towards his wife, making her very nervous.
..."I appreciate your help," Trini finished up, "but I'll be ready to come back soon, and I think we need to get a routine..." she stopped because Hutch was now standing in front of her, silent, with his hands on his hips.
Trini couldn't look. Was he mad? If she didn't look, maybe he wouldn't be.
Quietly, Hutch levelly directed his wife, "Trini look at me."
She was apprehensive, but willing to try. Trini looked up, but squinted one eye shut as if that would make an difference. Hutch laughed out loud.
"Sweetheart, I thought you'd be tired of me before now. Come here." Holding out a hand to Trini, Hutch helped her up and into a warm embrace.
"I love you Ken Hutchinson. How do you know me so well?" The relief was so evident on Trini's face that it made Hutch shake his head at her.
"Were you really worried?"
"I thought you might feel that I didn't need you around, and that's not it at all! I just..."
Hutch pressed his lips to his wife's. It was still the only way he knew to silence her. Blushing, Trini got the hint and moved to help Hutch with dinner.
Seeing Hutch's long legged stride entering the office was the best thing Starsky had seen in... well, three weeks. He'd missed Hutch and their quiet moments of friendship sorely. Actually, Starsky had missed Trini and Hutch equally, but there was just something truly special about having a best friend around.
Hutch was just attempting to put his desk into some semblance of order when his door was gently swung open. Lounging casually against the doorjam, Starsky beamed at Hutch.
"I'm hungry."
Shaking his head, Hutch rolled his eyes and rose around the desk. Without any real anger in his voice, Hutch attempted to admonish his friend, "Jesus, Starsk. It's only 10:35."
"I know. You're late. She gonna miss 'ya that much that she had to make the most of the morning?"
Moving inside, Starsky shut the office door behind him as Hutch continued to close the space between them. Hutch stopped directly in front of Starsky and glared at him.
"You're a dirty, old man. You know that, Starsky?"
"Yeah, I missed you, too."
The two men shared a quick hug and a laugh before Hutch's phone rang ruining the moment. Shaking his head, laughter still shining in his eyes, Hutch picked up the phone, "Yello?" This brought even more laughter from Starsky as he flopped onto Hutch's couch.
"Hello, Handsome Hutch. How you been, honey?" Even if he hadn't recognized the voice, "Sweet Alice" was the only one who called him "Handsome Hutch" the way she did.
"Sweet Alice... I'm fine, but I suspect this isn't just a social call is it?"
Starsky sat forward on the couch with rapt attention. Hutch nodded towards the speaker phone. Starsky quickly rose and pushed the button.
"No darlin', you're right. I need some help. Is your sweet little curly-top there, too?"
Starsky answered her himself, "Right here, Alice. We put you on the speaker. What's goin' on?"
"Hi, Starsky. Ya' all are probably gonna think this is odd an' all, but I wanna hire you. You were always good to me, and I know ya all won't mind helpin' me an some of my 'associates' out. I'm sorry to bother you, but I don't know who else to turn to."
Starsky nodded towards the phone, then raised his eyebrows and shrugged. Hutch shrugged back in his "why not" gesture.
They both knew "Sweet Alice" to be exactly that: Sweet. And, she'd been a great "snitch" with an undying sense of loyalty to the men when they'd been on the force. Of course, they knew it probably had a lot to do with Alice's fondness for "Handsome Hutch." Either way, they'd help her in any way they could.
The sweetness in Hutch's voice was the tone he always used when he needed something from Sweet Alice, but he couldn't help it. Old habits die hard.
"You tell me what we can do for you, Sweet Alice. We'll do our best."
The sigh of relief from Alice was audible, "Handsome Hutch, you're a love. You too, curly. I'll pay ya' both... this isn't nothin' for somethin' alright?"
Hutch laughed a little at her mixed up phrasing. She was "Sweet," but never a scholar.
"Alright Alice. You can pay us if we help you. What's going on?"
"Hutch honey, I moved myself uptown, the 'Regent' now."
Starsky let out a low whistle... no low rent flop-houses for "Sweet Alice" ever again.
"It's nice, but I got a little problem. The girls an' me... I do a time-share thing on the suites... are gettin... well, hurt lately. I don't like bein' hurt fellas, and some of these girls and their johns are gettin' hurt pretty bad."
Starsky knew the obvious, but he still had to ask, "You go to the police, Alice?"
Her light laughter tinkled over the phone, "Starsky, honey. You know they won't give a hoot 'n a holler 'bout no old trick or her tricks. I need some real help, boys. Can ya' help me?"
The two men nodded to each other before Hutch answered her, "My partner here is hungry, Alice. Care to let us buy you lunch, and tell us about your problem?"
Starsky smirked at the delighted tone in Alice's voice, "Oh, Hutch honey! That'd be right divine!"
Sweet Alice did not try to cover up any of her excitement when she first spotted the two men. Moving quickly to join them at their table, Starsky had to lean out of the way so Alice could hug Hutch as he tried to rise in greeting. Hutch glared at Starsky over Sweet Alice's shoulder while trying to extract himself from her "death grip."
Gently.. but firmly.. pulling away, Hutch motioned to Alice's chair and held it out for her. Reluctantly, Alice loosened herself and sat down. The way she was looking at Hutch with those big, doe-eyes was too much for Starsky, and he coughed to cover his laughter. Even unspoken, Starsky heard Hutch tell him "screw you, buddy."
Knowing he'd have to be the one to try and "distract" Alice's attention, Starsky dove right in, "What's goin' on Alice? Who's hurting you?"
Suddenly remembering her purpose, Alice turned very serious. "I don't really know, Starsky. That what I needed you two for."
Hutch started to ask something, but their waiter returned so they all ordered. Starsky even ordered the "vino de casa" and Hutch raised his eyebrows in surprise. Starsky truly was getting some class. Finally.
The wine and salads arrived, yet Sweet Alice remained strangely silent.
Gently taking her hand in his, Hutch questioned her, "What's wrong Sweet Alice. I've never seen your lovely eyes look sad before." The compliment was just what she needed to feel at ease with the men again, and she smiled.
"I just thought you might hate me after your girlfriend an' all. I knew her Hutch honey, so I figured you musta known what business she wuz in. I figured you kinda hated me for not lettin' ya all in, but I swear, I thought you knew. You fellas sorta stopped comin' round after she got... anyhow, I just wondered if you fellas quit liken' me is all."
Hutch gently squeezed her hand in a gesture of forgiveness and apology.
Sweet Alice turned to Starsky, "I went up to see you after you was shot, but you still couldn't have no company and the guard wouldn't let me through anyhow. I tried though."
Hutch patted Alice's shoulder, and hoped his smile looked genuine. "It's okay, Alice. I don't blame you for someone else's deceptions, and I know Starsky appreciates that you tried."
Deep in Hutch's mind, he heard a red balloon pop, but the pain from Gillian had been shelved a long time ago. He thought it had anyhow.
Noting Hutch's carefully concealed discomfort, Starsky tried to redirect the conversation to himself. "Thanks for tryin' to see me Alice. I was in that damned hospital too long, then we had months of therapy and counseling before I could go back to work. Then, we were stuck behind desks after the review board let me back in. We decided if we wuz gonna be pencil pushers we might as well get paid better and went for our promotions. Nobody forgot 'ya, Alice. We just weren't on the streets any more."
Alice noted that Starsky said "we" a lot, and it made her heart glad the two had stuck by each other. Then, as well as now. Lifelong friendship was something she'd never had.
Nodding, Alice felt reassured that they all still cared for each other... as much as they could with the "roles" they all played. She remembered Hutch had always been too much of a gentleman, even after he'd divorced his second wife, to accept Alice's offers of comfort. Starsky and she talked easily when they passed on the streets, and he'd even introduced her to his wife and boys as an old friend from his days on the force. Yes, she'd been right to come to these two men. They'd help her without prejudice.
Batting her eyes at both men in a gesture that came naturally to Alice, she started right in, "We're gettin' beat up and raped fellas. I know some people wouldn't see the difference between what we do and rape, but I know you two will."
Both men did, and nodded for Alice to continue.
"We pick most of our 'dates' out of the lobby at the 'Regent.' Everything goes as it should until after the gentleman has paid and is ready to leave. It's happened twice when they open the door to leave, once in the elevator, and once in the parking garage. That I know of."
Hutch leaned in and stared at Alice with that intense corn-flower blue gaze of his that always made her heart beat faster. Even now, and with the extra years, Hutch still twitterpated her.
"What happens, Alice? We need exact details if we're going to help you."
Swallowing hard, Alice looked down at her napkin and toyed with the fringe before answering him. "They bust into the room and beat up the gentleman, rape us, take all the money and run. Sometimes they wait until the men are in the elevator or downstairs at their cars, but they always make sure to rough us up, too. Always."
Hutch spoke with extreme care, "We'll help you, Alice. Don't worry." A single tear of gratitude rolled down Alice's face before she took turns kissing both men on the cheek.
"Thanks you fellas. Ya' all made me feel happy an' alive again."
Starsky winked at Hutch in his "we did somethin' good" manner. Hutch smiled back as they ate their lunch, and caught up on old times.
When Hutch pulled into the parking lot of their office, Starsky could swear his friend turned white at the sight of Trini's car.
A confused Starsky looked across the car at his still unmoving partner. "What's up? You look like you seen a ghost?"
Nodding, Hutch slowly moved out of the car, "Yeah, me. You're lookin' at a dead man, Starsk. I forgot Trini and Michael were coming for lunch."
Hearing "Michael" was all Starsky needed to hear. He adored his namesake and charged forward to see him. Belatedly, he remembered Hutch's predicament and threw over his shoulder, "Just tell her it was a case. She'll understand 'Handsome Hutch'."
Hutch's middle finger shot up at Starsky's departing back. Slowly, Hutch headed inside, fully aware of the storm named "Katrina" that was awaiting him.
It was 3:20 when Hutch slinked back into his office. The men had enjoyed a leisurely lunch with Sweet Alice, then had stopped to buy the office supplies Candita and Leslie needed. Hutch was hours late and he knew he better be praying for forgiveness from somebody. Trini wasn't going to give him any.
Opening his office door sheepishly, Hutch saw his wife standing stiffly across the room staring out his window. He knew she'd heard him come in, but Trini was choosing to ignore him and hadn't yet turned to face him. Sighing, Hutch sat at the desk behind Trini and turned in his chair to face her. Hutch dry washed his face with his hands, then threw himself to Trini's merciful {he hoped} heart.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. We were with a client."
Trini slowly turned away from the window, and purposely took on step to her right. That was when Hutch noticed the bouquet of roses in the windowsill.
Trini held the card up and began to read it with a sickeningly sweet voice, "Handsome Hutch, thank you so much the lovely lunch and the visit. You are as dear a man as ever. Yours Always, Sweet Alice."
Trini shot daggers at her husband before putting a finger to her mouth and making a rude gagging noise. She let the card drop and started to leave, but Hutch quickly rose to stop her. He probably should have been paying more attention to his long limbs that had a habit of betraying him, but his whole attention had been on Trini. Rising too fast and trying to grab Trini was obviously more than his coordination could handle at the moment. Hutch grabbed Trini's arm, then promptly lost his balance and fell on her. Trini grunted as their combined weight crashed to the floor.
She lay below him wordlessly for a moment before warning, "Get off me now, Kenneth Richard Hutchinson, or you'll be walking funny the next time your 'Sweet Alice' sees you."
Hutch quickly moved both his larger legs to pin Trini's as he grabbed her hands and held them above her head. Starsky chose this exact moment to check on the "love birds" as he liked to call them. Taking in the scene before him, Starsky quickly and silently shut Hutch's office door before walking away.
Leslie nodded towards Hutch's office, "Well?"
Starsky shook his head in mock sadness and kissed Michael's sleeping head, "Someday, I'll have to tell you about 'The Blintz,' little man 'cuz he ain't gonna live to tell 'ya."
Leslie laughed softly and leaned across the sleeping baby to kiss her husband.
Trini was pissed to begin with, but now this very large Viking had her pinned so carefully she couldn't move... making her momentarily curse his size and the fact that he also knew police maneuvers to "subdue" someone. Arching her back, Trini tried vainly to loosen his grip so she could get away before she started to cry. Hutch could tell she was close to just that, and he wasn't letting her leave mad... or as upset as she was. He also knew his body had picked a really bad time to react to his wife squirming below him.
Trini suddenly stopped her useless attempts at freedom, and stated with as much venom as she could muster, "Whatsa matter big boy? 'Sweet Alice' not puttin' out today?"
Rolling his eyes skyward Hutch begged for strength. This girl was surely going to be the death of him.
Bending his head as close to Trini's as he dared {she still might head-butt him, after all!} Hutch whispered, "Trini, it was business. I'm sorry I forgot lunch. I swear to God I missed you two the minute I walked out the door. I'm old, Trini. Maybe I'm getting senile."
Hutch cautiously bent and kissed his wife sweetly on the lips before continuing, "I love you Mrs. Hutchinson, and only you." Hearing no malevolent comment and feeling Trini's body loosen, Hutch also started placing gentle kisses on her neck, ears, and the now tear-stained eyelids. "Baby, please don't cry. I'm sorry. This was shitty of me and I'm so sorry."
Nodding, Trini pulled gently against the grip Hutch still had on her wrists. Feeling relatively safe, Hutch released her and Trini's arms immediately went to wrap lovingly around his neck. Wiggling against his male hardness, Trini allowed herself a small smile.
"O.K. Hutchinson. You're off the hook for now, but please don't scare me like that again."
Hutch was grateful that Trini loved him so much, but after more than a year together she still worried. He often heard her say "please" even when the word wasn't said out loud.
Please don't leave me, Hutch. I love you so much and age doesn't matter... please don't let it matter. I love you Hutch, please don't let this end. Please love me as much as I love you... Some of the plaintive pleas had been verbalized by his wife, some had shown in her eyes in moments of fear and worry. Hutch wished she wouldn't worry so... he wasn't leaving. He'd gone into this relationship with his eyes wide open... for once.
Arching her back again {for different reasons now!} and rubbing her hips against Hutch, Trini reached up and unbuttoned her shirt. Hutch's breath caught when Trini reached between them next. He loved the way this girl was choosing to make up.
Jesus, he was one lucky man.
Laying on Hutch's office floor, spent and intertwined, "The lovebirds" had made up.
Reluctantly, Hutch rolled off his wife to let her dress. Trini stretched and held a hand out to her semi-naked husband to help her up. Smirking, Trini straightened her skirt and buttoned her blouse back up.
Looking down at the pants wrapped around his ankles {he hadn't even had time to get them off}, Hutch laughingly shook his head, "I guess I still turn you on, huh?"
Trini ignored his boasting comment and instead playfully tweaked his nose, then kissed him deeply. Smiling, she turned to go, "You'd better be home on time, or you'll regret it, love."
Hutch quickly rose to finish dressing since his wife had paid him back by leaving the door wide open.
Hutch was barely decent before Starsky reappeared at the door, looking at his disheveled friend with great mirth in his dark blue eyes. Hutch pointed a single index finger at him with a silent warning, and a famous "Hutchinson Glare."
Starsky burst out laughing before pointing at Hutch and informing him, "Shirt's buttoned wrong."
Again, Starsky got a finger in his direction.
"Shut the hell up, Gordo. And don't be late for the game tonight."
They were all heading over to the Hutchinson household to watch the "Pay-per-view" boxing match later. Huggy and Candita were bringing the beer, Lunk and his girlfriend were supplying the chips and dips, Angie and Michelle were bringing a 5' sub sandwich, and the Starsky's were bringing fruit and vegetable trays for the ever cautious Trini to snack on. Hutch and Trini were providing the match, wine coolers, and the "pad." Hutch loved that Trini would watch sports, or an opera, with equal relish. Truly, she complemented Hutch and they were a great couple.
Starsky nodded solemnly, then looked at his watch, "7:00, right?" Hutch nodded and Starsky turned to go, but couldn't resist one last jab, "Kinda thought the fight had started early. Glad you two decided to forfeit."
Hutch laughed and rose to call "Sweet Alice" back. They still had a few details to work out and Hutch hoped Trini was out of earshot or she'd go ballistic.
Everyone had left, Trini and Hutch had cleaned up their home, and Hutch had retired to bed when he heard soft splashing coming from the pool. He knew the sounds meant Trini couldn't sleep and she was in the lap pool... probably naked, since she seemed to detest clothing when it wasn't absolutely necessary. Even on an autumn night like tonight.
Hutch rose and looked down from their bedroom window overlooking the pool. Having guessed correctly about his wife's state of undress, he leaned against the window to admire Trini's ivory limbs working in the water. God, she was a vision.
Trini was always comfortable in the water... like a short-haired mermaid. That was one of the main reasons Hutch had picked this house... the lap pool, a regular pool, a hot-tub, high shrubs and beautiful wrought iron fences to hide behind, the gorgeous "Victorian" style of the 3 level home... it all added up to a very nice little "nest" for the "lovebirds."
Pushing away from the windowsill, Hutch decided to join his wife.
Hutch grabbed the baby monitor Trini had brought outside and placed it beside the hot-tub where he hoped his wife would join him after her swim. Trini popped up out of the lap pool just in time to see her husband drop his robe and slide into the warmth of the hot-tub.
Hutch smiled with great pleasure when he felt Trini's gentle hands rubbing his neck.
"Aren't you cold? Get in here with me." Hutch scooted over and held a hand out to his wife.
Trini grinned at him as she slid her naked body to rest on top of his, "Ready for round two of 'The Blintz' versus 'Jewel' or do you concede?"
Hutch's answer was to pull Trini closer and kiss areas of her body he'd missed earlier. Hutch decided that silenced her just as effectively as kissing her lips.
Hutch had asked Sweet Alice to back out of the "Regent" until he and Starsky had everything in place. When they had it all worked out, the ladies and Alice would be fully protected. Meanwhile, they had other cases to finish before tackling Alice's problem. She's been very understanding-- because it was Hutch asking-- and had gone elsewhere to look for work for at least the next 2 months. Everything was going smoothly until Hutch returned from a stake out to find his wife reading up on Alice's case at his desk.
Sparing a fleeting glance at her husband, Trini nodded at the file, "I want this one, Babe. I can get back in the loop doing some undercover hookin' for my pimp. What do you think, Sweet Thing?"
Hutch laughed at her slang then took the file gently from her. Laying the file down, Hutch then tried to distract Trini with a kiss and some teasing.
"Why are you snooping around in here when you should be getting your office ready? When are you coming back to be my business partner?"
"First, I wasn't snooping... I was reading. Second, the office is as ready as I am. I've got Michael at home with a baby sitter now... just so he starts getting used to someone else once in a while."
Looking slightly aghast that his wife had picked a sitter without his consent, Hutch began questioning Trini, "When did you pick a sitter? When did you stop nursing? How..."
Trini knew tit-for-tat worked in their relationship... she shut him up with a kiss.
"If you'd let me get a word in edgewise, dear husband, I could answer a couple questions. If you don't like the sitter, we'll hire another. She'll still be there when you drag yourself home. And, I never said I'd stopped nursing, but Michael will get his first bottle when you get home. That's your mission for the evening... bottle feeding. I will discuss my part in this case with you tonight, O.K?"
Hutch looked hesitant, and Trini misunderstood the look. "You don't want me to come back to work, do you?"
Knowing Trini loved their son, but was suffering from boredom was an understatement. Hutch knew Trini needed to work as much as he did. "Trini, that's not it and you know it. I'm not that mean a bastard that I think you need to stay home bare-foot and pregnant. I want you here with me when you can be, I just don't think this particular case...."
Trini poked the file cover, "This is 'Sweet Alice, ' isn't it?"
Hutch could only nod.
Drawing in a deep breath, Trini sat up a little straighter and looked her husband in the eye.
"What? You don't want me around her because you wanna be alone with her, or because you think I'm a child who can't act professionally with your old sweetie?"
Pissed off would not begin to describe how Hutch felt at the moment, and Trini was gonna know it. With greatly controlled rage, Hutch went over and slammed the door so loud Trini thought he broke the door jam. She wasn't feeling quite as "lippy" when her husband turned around and glared at her, but Trini had never been one to back down. Hutch had cursed the fact, daily, that she'd picked that up from Starsky. Those two had the tenacity of pitbulls.
Slowly making his way back to Trini, Hutch sat down on the edge of his desk and glared at his wife. Trini hated when he got this pissed, but sometimes he had it coming. Well, maybe she agitated him a little too much too, but she'd never admit that.
Defiantly tilting her chin up at Hutch, Trini glared back. "You find me a case then Hutch, 'cuz I'm coming back to work. You wanna fool around..."
"Goddammit Trini! Why do you have to be like this!? I'm not 'fooling around' with Sweet Alice for chrissakes! If you think I am, then maybe you don't trust me enough for us to be..."
Hutch quit his tirade when he saw that sad, little please cross his wife's face. He wouldn't be mean enough to say they shouldn't stay married if she didn't trust him, but Trini was afraid of just that. Her scared, wide eyes told him that.
Hutch could almost hear her pleading him, Please, Hutch...I didn't mean it....I'll be good... don't leave me!!!
He hated seeing the scared, abandoned child he'd met all those years ago pop back up at moments like this.
"Trini, don't look at me like that."
Hutch had stopped yelling, but Trini could still feel his anger burning hotly.
"I wasn't suggesting we split up... that'll be up to you when you get tired of me, O.K.? I was going to say that I might look for work..."
"How dare you try and leave me to finish all your work, here? You asshole! You'd do this to David? You can stay if you feel it's not working like this, but I... oh, screw it."
Trini sighed and dropped her head heavily into her hands, "What were we fighting about anyhow? Christ, I hate it when we argue."
Moving to stand behind his wife, Hutch started to gently rub Trini's slumped shoulders.
"It's O.K. Trini. Any good relationship worth it's salt is going to have disagreements. Just stop finding things for us to piss and moan about, alright?"
He felt her gentle laughter, and turned her to him. Trini was only half-smiling, and Hutch wanted a full smile.
"Sweetheart, what? What else can I say? What else do you need to hear?"
"Were you two lovers? You and this woman... I just want to be prepared in case she gloats and I have to kick her ass."
Kissing her nose, Hutch solemnly held three fingers up and promised, "Scouts honor... No."
Trini nodded and leaned into his waiting embrace before she whispered, "Sorry. Hormones or something."
"It's O.K. We're O.K., Trini. I know your worried about... my past, but Alice wasn't part of it. Not in that way. And, if you've heard stories about something... well, lets clear it up right now. No rumors or bullshit can get in the way of what I feel for you."
Trini nodded and prayed for strength. She and Hutch had carefully avoided each others past, but he knew she couldn't let this one drop, and he prepared himself mentally.
Abby hadn't really bothered Trini... Trini had called her a weakling with no spine, a dumb bitch for leaving a man who'd loved her as much as Hutch had, and an array of other names Hutch couldn't recall at the moment. Van and all the others had gotten about the same harsh treatment and language.
Gillian, on the other hand, bothered Trini. She had died. She and Hutch hadn't broken up. Gillian and her memories worried Trini now that they were helping a prostitute. Why, she didn't know.
Hutch knew they'd have to talk about it, and it'd be painful, but Trini was so much more than Gillian ever was... honest, loyal, and pure at heart. Yes, he'd loved Gillian, but not like this. Trini, he loved and adored above all others.
Suddenly, Hutch heard another red balloon die. This one just hissed quietly to it's demise, and was replaced with one the color of Trini's eyes when she was angry. The beautiful green balloon swelled in Hutch's heart as the realization hit him: I really love Trini more than I ever loved anyone else... I thought this was the one I'd been searching for, and for once, I'm right!
Hutch knew he should tell Trini his thoughts too, and decided to start the "talk" she didn't seem to be able to. Pulling her to her feet, and gently guiding her to the couch, Hutch sat beside her and whispered, "Let's talk. About Gillian."
Starsky held the drinking glass firmly to the wall connecting Hutch's office to Trini's, but try as he might, he couldn't make out what was being said.
Starsky sighed to himself, Terrific. Why was this always easier when I did it on Dobey's door? Then the memories came flooding back and he smiled. Because Dobey was always yelling. These two are whispering. Damn.
Starsky started when Leslie crept behind him and tapped on his shoulder. He almost dropped the glass, but quickly recovered before lamely explaining, "Just makin' sure Jewel is O.K."
Leslie raised her eyebrows at her husband, "Dear, don't lie. You're just being nosy. They're fine. Come out with me and wait." Leslie saw a myriad of emotions play across her husband's face, and she knew Starsky couldn't help but worry.
He had been there when Hutch first saw Gillian's lifeless body in her apartment. He was the one Hutch had railed at in denial to the obvious facts before them. He was the one who'd spent the next week of nights at his partner's apartment listening to the nightmares... offering physical and emotional comfort as best he could... crying in sympathy when his friend cried in pain. He was the one who convinced Hutch to attend the funeral and sat beside him tightly holding hands where no one could see.
Starsky knew Hutch had loved Gillian, but he also knew Hutch loved Trini more. Starsky saw it not only with his eyes, but with his heart. He just hoped Trini and Hutch were smart enough to see it. They were so good for each other.
Reluctantly, Starsky twined his fingers with Leslie's and allowed his wife to guide him out of Trini's office.
"Thanks Les. I needed that."
Leslie smiled at her husband in sympathy, "I know, honey. I understand a little, too. They're like two kids sometimes, aren't they?"
Starsky nodded, but remained strangely silent.
"Dave. Honey, are you worried about them staying together?" Leslie was a little frightened by the thought of those two not being together... it'd destroy everyone involved.
Shrugging, Starsky didn't exactly offer any words of hope to quell Leslie's worries, "They're crazy about each other, but sometimes they... they don't... I don't know Les. Hutch can be so 'anal' and closed off, an' Trini got her mule-headed ways from me..." Leslie and Starsky both laughed at that.
"They both play so tough, but they're not, and I worry Les. About their insecurities... and mine, I suppose. That's all."
Nodding in understanding, Leslie led Starsky to her office and pretended to work. In reality, both sets of eyes were firmly glued to Hutch's closed door.
Jumping like a cat waiting to pouncing on the mouse that was stupid enough to venture from his hiding spot, Starsky quickly rose when Hutch's door opened a tiny crack. Trini carefully avoided her uncle's eyes as she squeezed herself through the crack and hurriedly escaped out the front doors.
Leslie patted her husband's hand, "Breathe, honey."
Not realizing he'd been holding his breath, Starsky drew in an over-dramatized mouthful of air, stood and pretended to "hitch" up his pants, did his best cowboy walk like it was high noon and he was heading to the shootout, then started for Hutch's still partially open door.
Leslie quickly called Candita at the front desk, but Candita had seen it all, too. On the first ring, Candita answered and made Leslie laugh. "I got it, Leslie... hold the 'children's' calls."
Leslie hung up the phone and shook her head, "My, it'd be dull around here if they all didn't keep up our daily 'soap opera'."
Leslie cast one long look at Hutch's door, and the way her husband was gaining courage before pushing inside, then she shut her door. It'd be easier not to watch.
Drawing in another breath, Starsky forced himself to break through the barriers that might be standing between him and Hutch. Real or imagined.
Starsky pushed the door open far enough to see that Hutch was still seated on his couch, head back and an arm thrown across his eyes. Taking his life into his hands, Starsky softly ventured, "Hey. You alright?"
Hutch nodded stiffly before sighing and dropping his arm. Hutch looked to his friend and patted the couch cushion next to him, "Come on. I won't bite."
Starsky grinned and moved to the couch after closing the door behind him, "Don't know 'bout that, Buddy. Got a few bite marks in my ass that I believe came from you."
Hutch smiled and Starsky was glad to see the happiness went all the way up to his friend's eyes. Starsky cleared his throat, then leaned over and patted Hutch's leg, "You guys get it all covered? She O.K.?"
The loving tone of concern Starsky reserved for his niece was all to evident to Hutch's ears. Hutch hated that Starsky was worried because of something that had happened between his wife and him. Truly, Starsky was a great man to tolerate his best friend and all his imperfections.
Throwing his arm companionably over Starsky's shoulder, Hutch sighed, "It's all covered. She'll be fine, and I'll live, too. It was a necessary evil that Trini wanted it all spilled before her."
Nodding, Starsky looked his friend in the eye, "You sure you're 'fine', too?"
A slight smile crossed Hutch's face, "Yeah, thanks." He leaned over and playfully kissed Starsky's ear, making Starsky quickly rub the imaginary "germs" away.
Laughing, Hutch told him, "Thanks. I love you, too."
Hutch arrived home and saw Angie's car waiting in the driveway. He smiled and shook his head a little.
Damn, I see the woman more now that we're divorced. Sad that we had to wait so long to become great friends.
Hutch shut the car off, then carefully grabbed the bouquet of flowers he'd bought for Trini. She was so easy to please... Trini didn't care if Hutch brought home anything at all, let alone flowers. Her favorite seemed to be the wildflower bouquets he'd buy filled with everything from mums to daisies. Trini said she liked that they lasted so much longer than the roses did, and Hutch'd teased her telling her it was because they were "weeds," and weeds lived longer. Trini'd giggled and said she hoped Hutch was a weed then.
Smiling happily, Hutch entered the front door and saw his son sleeping peacefully in Angie's arms while Michelle and Trini laughed at something Trini'd directed at Angie. Hutch decided to let them know he was home.
"Dears... I'm home!"
All three women turned in unison towards Hutch's voice. Trini set down the vegetables she'd been cleaning and hurriedly went to kiss her spouse.
"Dears, huh? You'd better have more flowers then."
Hutch looked down at the forgotten flowers, and smiled sheepishly before placing them in Trini's waiting hands.
Looking to Michelle and Angie, Hutch pretended to apologize, "Sorry you two. She won." They all laughed.
Trini smiled and guided her husband into the kitchen by the hand, "You're just in time to feed Michael. Our sitters are ready to go home, so it's your turn to take over."
Hutch looked first at Michelle, then to his ex-wife before turning to face his wife.
"You hired Ang and Michelle? To babysit? A boy baby?"
Michelle playfully joined in on Hutch's joking mood, "It's alright, Hutchinson. We won't throw him in any dresses... Yet."
Trini loved the way Hutch gave Michelle one of his famous Hutchinson glares before they all burst out laughing. This time they were too loud and it woke the ever-starving Michael.
Trini started to take the baby from Angie, but Angie's hold remained firm, "Uh-uh, Trini. Daddy's turn, remember?" It had become a habit to "attach" Michael, that Trini had just naturally reached for her son.
Looking a little nervous, Hutch turned to Trini, "What do I do first?"
Trini moved to fill one of the newly washed bottles with formula, "You sit down on the couch dear, change his diaper, and I'll be right there."
Angie handed the baby to Hutch and patted him on the shoulder before rising to leave, "You'll be fine, Ken. Just take it slow, Blondie."
Hutch didn't even have a rebuttal to being called "Blondie" by his ex-wife. He merely nodded and started, still nervous looking, to the couch.
Trini shook her head and hastily finished the bottle before calling out over her shoulder, "Thanks guys... same time tomorrow?"
Michelle nodded and said, "Thanks for hiring us Trini. We loved it. Plus, we need something besides the bar to do."
"Thank you two. Hutch'd kill me if he didn't trust who I left his son with."
Angie shut the door behind them, but not before Trini heard her jokingly mumble something about Hutch and his possessiveness.
Seeing that Hutch had already changed Michael's diaper, Trini helped him settle into a comfortable position before handing him the warmed bottle. Hutch's big, strong hands swallowed the tiny bottle and Trini had to laugh. Michael turned to the smell of food and Hutch gently touched the bottle to Michael's mouth. Michael seemed to be ready to object the foreign nipple, but then changed his mind and began to suck greedily.
"Watch him, Sweetheart, he chokes and bottles flow faster."
Hutch nodded but never broke eye contact with his son. He was still sitting stiffly forward and Trini smiled before moving behind the couch to gently pull her husband's back to rest more comfortably against the cushions.
"Thanks. What do I do when he's done?"
"Hutch, breathe and don't panic. You're doing just fine. We're all learning this together."
Hutch nodded and gave his wife a tight little smile. Michael picked that exact moment to choke which caused extreme panic to cross Hutch's face. Gently guiding Hutch's hands, Trini helped him prop Michael up and pat him until the moment passed.
Looking strangely at his wife, Hutch worried, "Does this happen every time?"
"Sometimes. You handled it fine, though. Here." Trini laid Michael back into the crook of Hutch's arm, "Try again."
Hutch only hesitated for a moment before giving Michael his bottle again. There was no choking this time, and Hutch relaxed. When their son was done, Hutch patted Michael's back so gently it made tears come to Trini's eyes. Michael belched loudly, and Hutch smiled. He was so proud of himself... he'd fed their son properly!
Settling back comfortably on the couch, Hutch laid his son against his chest and kissed his forehead before they both nodded off. Trini hurried to get the camera... this moment she had to put in a frame.
Trini hadn't given up completely on Michael's feedings despite Hutch's successful feeding session. She knew she had to have time to dry up, and it'd still be useful when their son demanded a "midnight snack." Proving herself right, Trini had just fed their son and returned to bed.
Pulling his wife back to him, Hutch wrapped her tightly in his arms, "God, you smell wonderful. What is that?"
Trini wrapped herself around her husband before answering him, "New shampoo. You're sweet to notice."
"You're sweet enough to eat."
Trini winked at her husband, "Ditto. Hungry?"
Softly laughing against the kiss Trini placed on his waiting lips, Hutch only had time to nod and sigh contentedly.
The girl is still insatiable... and it's still me she's hungry for... thank God.
Impatiently waiting, Hutch drummed his fingers restlessly on the steering wheel.
"Come on, Starsky! After all these years, how can it be you still can't get out of the house on time?"
As if Starsky heard his friend's anger inside the house, he came bounding out and quickly slid into Hutch's car. Starsky's butt had barely touched the seat before Hutch tore away from the sidewalk.
"Mornin' Blintz. You oversleep after a big date with your wife? Oh, wait... that was me."
Hutch let go of the earlier anger and laughed at the way his friend was letting him on his personal life... without getting too personal. Thank God.
Smiling eyes looked across the car at Starsky, "You two still got it, huh?"
Starsky merely grinned and reached for the clipboard Hutch still kept with him to look over their itinerary for the morning. "So, we're off to see Alice first, huh?"
Hutch just nodded.
Grinning a little, Starsky added, "Trini still intent on this one?"
Again, a nod from Hutch.
Starsky tried to initiate more than a nod from his partner, "You gonna let your wife join us? Or, better yet, 'Handsome Hutch', maybe you and Alice should do this number."
Hutch spun his head toward his partner and glared at him.
"You tryin' to get me killed, asshole? I work with Trini, you and Huggy work with Alice. All my male parts still work, and I plan to keep it that way."
Starsky was still laughing when Hutch stopped the car a block and a half away from Alice's apartment. They both got out and walked through another apartment complex before heading to Alice's building.
Cautiously looking about, the men felt confident that they hadn't been followed and the coast was clear when they entered Alice's apartment building.
Alice's door flew open as soon as Hutch tapped the predetermined three times and whispered her name.
Hutch tried to chastise her as the two men quickly entered her apartment, "Alice, you really need to look through the peephole first. Don't trust the knock, O.K.?"
Sweet Alice batted her false eyelashes delicately at Hutch before answering him.
"Oh, Hutch honey, I could tell it was your delightful voice I heard comin' through my door. Come on in and sit down, you two."
Starsky followed Hutch over to Sweet Alice's couch and quickly planted himself next to Hutch, forcing Alice to sit on the lounge chair across from them.
A silent "thank you" shone on Hutch's face. Starsky winked back his "you're welcome." Thankfully, Alice didn't notice since she was pouring both men cups of tea she'd never asked if they wanted. The realization hit Alice all of a sudden.
"You two wanted some, didn't you?" Alice's hand hesitated a little as Hutch hurried to reassure her, "Thank you , Alice. We'd love some tea." Alice turned back to her task, and Starsky pointed to his head and made the "loco" sign. Hutch just smiled. Alice was just simple, little Alice.
Tea in hand, both men took a sip before Starsky offered Alice their plan. Alice sat patiently and listened to him as he outlined how somebody would be in the room next to Alice and her "associates" at all times. Huggy, Lunk, and Starsky would also be taking turns patrolling the parking garage. Hutch and Trini were to be the bait and leave themselves wide open... while Alice and the other girls remained safely protected.
Alice listened quietly, then looked to Hutch.
"What if they've been watching us and they know your wife isn't one of us? Don't you think it'd all go better if you and I were the bait?"
Starsky smiled, and Hutch had to refrain from rolling his eyes. The two men had discussed this exact scenario just the night before. They both knew Alice would try anything to be alone with Hutch in a dark hotel room. And, they both knew Trini'd kill him if that happened.
Patiently, Hutch held Alice's pale hand in his, "Sweet Alice, I couldn't live with myself were you to get hurt. My wife was a cop, too. A good cop, Alice, and she worked 'Vice' for three years... she'll pull this off just fine. We thought about them not wanting to follow my wife, but we've got it all covered. My wife is pretending to work the hotel already. She's making herself seen as we speak."
Alice couldn't argue with all that, and they finished making plans over another cup of tea before the men left.
A small smile played across Starsky's face the whole way back to Hutch's car, and Hutch was just waiting for the wise-ass comment that had to be coming. He didn't have long to wait.
As soon as they were both in the car, Starsky turned to face Hutch and mimicked, "My wife... my wife. Geez Hutch, could you have been a little less subtle there? You musta said it twenty times!"
Hutch slowly put his sunglasses on, buckled his seatbelt, turned the car on, then punched Starsky in the leg before growling, "Shut the hell up, Gordo."
Angie and Michelle arrived early to watch Michael since Trini'd told them Hutch was weirding her out over the whole "Regent" trip. He was pacing around Trini as she tried to dress, going over all the details again and again. Trini sighed heavily and laid down the eye pencil she had been using, and turned to face her husband.
"Ken. Chill out." Trini rose and kissed her overly wound up spouse, then left their room to let Angie and Michelle in on her plan for the night.
Going down the stairs, Trini looked back over her shoulder to make sure Hutch wasn't following with even more details. He wasn't, so Trini bee-lined it for Michelle who was standing by the sink making Michael a bottle. Trini quickly grabbed the bag she'd hidden earlier and handed it off to Michelle. Michelle nodded conspiratorially and took the bag out to Trini's car after handing the bottle off to Angie.
Feeding Michael seemed to be the greatest pleasure Angie had ever known. Trini loved the way she held Michael to her so tenderly. They had all discussed Angie's lack of interest in having a baby when she was younger {for all the obvious reasons!} yet, to see her now...
Kissing Michael's head, Trini stopped to whisper to Angie, "Hes making me a little crazy here."
Smiling, Angie reminded her, "It's because he's crazy about you. He never was this way with me. Take it as a good sign."
Sighing, Trini nodded, "I know. I'm crazy about him, too, but he worries too much." Trini smiled and leaned over to whisper in Angie's ear, "He's acting like the dad I never had!"
Angie couldn't help but laugh. Hutch most certainly was overprotective, but not out of spite. He loved his wife with all he had, and the thought of her being hurt and leaving him and Michael alone... well, it was just too scary for Hutch. Angie knew this for a fact. Hutch had needed to confide in someone, and he was worried Starsky would think him a paranoid fool.
Angie tried to smooth it all out for Trini.
"Trini, he worries so much because he loves so much. You and I both know how much he adores you, and relies on you. Hutch was a closed book nobody could read... until you came along. You're the only one he let crease that pristine, leather spine to open his story and read it. Cut him a little slack."
Trini smiled and looked at her friend, "A book? You think he's like a book? The hard, leathery part I get, but I think it's more like a boulder some days."
The two women were still laughing when Michelle came back inside and joined them, "Done, Trini. You're all set."
Trini patted Michelle's shoulder, "Thanks. You're a love." She winked at her friends, "Isn't he gonna just die?"
Angie laughed at Trini's departing back, "Be careful. You might get more than you bargained for!"
Stopping her step midway on the stairs, Trini turned back and loudly whispered, "That's what I'm hoping for."
Hutch was still sitting on their bed going over the notes he'd written down when Trini came back into their room. He looked up for a moment, took in Trini's blue jeans and T-shirt, and wrinkled his brows together.
"You gonna pick me up lookin' like that? You look like a kid waiting for their Mom, not a hooker."
Moving to kiss her frowning husband, Trini informed him, "I'm going to meet David right now. I thought you'd be proud of me... I'm checking all the details before I move. I'll change there, O.K.?"
Hutch pulled his wife onto the bed with him and began kissing her neck.
"Appetizer?" Trini murmured against his neck.
"Apology," Hutch answered. "I'm treating you like you don't know what the hell your doing, and I'm sorry. I only do it because I'm a fool for you."
Trini kissed him and tried to sit up, but he held her fast to him.
"Hey," he questioned, "you do know I love you, right? You mean the world to me Katrina."
Hutch hardly ever used Trini's full name, and it startled her a little that he was getting so serious. She pulled him closer and kissed him deeply before stating, "I know. You're the one thing that made my life worth living. I swear, I'll be careful."
Hutch stared long and hard at Trini as if trying to memorize her face, then he let her go, "Alright. Remember, you promised."
Nodding, Trini rose and grabbed her coat. Stopping at the door, she turned back to face Hutch, "Hey."
He looked up, worry still on his face, "Hey, what?"
"I love you, too. I'd need more than this one lifetime to show you how much."
Trini saw a hint of a smile return to Hutch's eyes as she turned to go.
Starsky sat staring at the TV monitor hooked to the elevator security camera with a frown creasing his forehead.
"Hey Hug. Come here a 'sec."
Huggy looked around the hallway door of the suite he and Starsky had been in all day getting ready for tonight, "Yeah, Curly. What ails you now, my brother?"
Starsky pointed at the screen, "Here. We can't see the entrance to the back of the parking garage, and here," he pointed to the elevator screen, "we've got a blind spot on the left side."
Leaning closer, Huggy pointed to the already existing camera the hotel used as security, "There. She'll be fine, Starsky. I already got Lunk and his boys along the back. We's covered, brother."
Starsky smiled up at his friend, "Thanks Hug."
Huggy patted Starsky's shoulder before turning away, "Don't worry so. The 'Blonde Blintz' will be joining her soon. Your charming niece will be fine, just fine. I's promises."
Turning his full attention back to the camera screens, Starsky had to smile. His friend knew exactly what was wrong, and had fixed it before he'd even questioned it. Huggy also understood Starsky's nervousness. Those were two of Huggy's dear friends as well, and he sure as hell didn't want anything bad to happen to Trini or that big blonde she'd married.
Starsky was settled into the back men's room waiting impatiently for Hutch. He had a couple last minute things to cover with the Blintz, and Hutch was late. For once.
Starsky sat up when he heard someone enter the stall next to him. He pressed his ear to the wall connecting the stalls and listened for signs that it might be Hutch in there with him. When someone tapped him from over the stall wall, Starsky jumped and grabbed for his heart.
It took everything Hutch had in him not to laugh at his best friend, "What are you doing, dummy? Quit listening at the walls like a pervert." Hutch stepped down off the toilet and both men opened their doors at the same time. Starsky glared at his friend, then quickly looked around the bathroom.
Hutch pointed to the door, "It's clear. I know to lock a door."
Starsky nodded, but didn't spare Hutch the time for a witty comeback. He knew they had to hurry, "Left side of the elevators, avoid them. I can't get a clear shot in either one."
Hutch nodded, "Anything else, dad?"
"Yeah. What the hell did you do with that sorry excuse of a mustache you had?" Starsky reached up and tugged at Hutch's hair,"...and is this what we call 'dirty blonde'?"
Slapping Starsky's hand away, Hutch defended his temporary change. "I'm trying not to look so much like me. I needed a change anyhow... Trini's been bugging me to shave. The hair crap washes out."
Starsky nodded, "Not bad Blintz, not bad."
Hutch turned to go, but stopped with his hand on the lock, "Hey."
Starsky nodded and let his friend know he heard what he hadn't said out loud, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm still gonna say it, O.K.? Be careful."
Giving Starsky's shoulder a small squeeze, Hutch quickly departed the restroom and started to the hotel lobby.
Starsky waited a moment before hurriedly racing up to keep an eye on the monitors he and Huggy were "manning" for the night.
Hutch shifted shoulders the duffel bag he'd carried with him was on, and stepped up to the front desk, "Richards, I have a reservation."
The desk clerk nodded, and looked in his book, "Yes, sir. You're booked in Suite 405. Can..."
The desk clerk trailed off as his attention was directed to the lady snuggling herself comfortably up to Hutch's arm. She leaned close, but never touched him when she purred, "Well, won't that be nice? I'm staying in 404. We'll be neighbors. Maybe now I won't be so lonely."
Trini had dressed for the shock value it'd have on Hutch, and it'd worked. The man truly seemed surprised, but he quickly recovered and resumed his "part."
Smiling back at Trini, Hutch dryly commented, "Well, aren't you a pretty little filly? I suppose we could talk or something, huh? No sense in both of us being lonely in a strange town."
Hutch winked at the desk clerk who was doing his best not to notice what the people in front of him were doing. Taking the offered key, Hutch spared a moment to study his wife. She had on an ankle length zebra print skirt that could have been almost decent if it wasn't slit past Trini's hip... and Hutch was pretty damn sure he couldn't see any underwear anywhere on his wife's person. Her black top had a nice plunging neckline that showed off her full breasts to their best. Hutch hated the short, jet black wig his wife was wearing that covered her lovely hair. It's no wonder he hadn't noticed her when he'd first glanced around the lobby.
Trini did well playing a woman showing her wares. She liked the lusty way Hutch was looking at her, and she decided to tease him a little. Pressing herself up to his chest, Trini stroked Hutch's newly shaved upper lip, "I love a man without facial hair. You do that just for me, honey?"
Hutch was trying to remember where the "roles" ended and he and Trini began. It was getting to be funny to him and he laughed a little, "Yeah, I did little girl. I shaved it just for you."
Trini laughed in return then looped her arm through his as she led him to the elevator. Hutch remembered what Starsky had said about the left side of the elevator and steered Trini toward the right side.
See, Starsk... I'm not so senile that I can't remember things!
An elderly couple followed Trini and Hutch into the elevator and looked Trini over with great disapproval. A mischievous smile played at the corners of Hutch's mouth as a lewd thought crossed his mind. He turned Trini around then started into his full throttle "john" act.
"So, do we have to wait for a bed, or you fine with it now?"
Trini had to swallow not to laugh at her severely misbehaving husband. Trini scooted closer and rubbed her hand on Hutch's chest, "I don't mind, love. Wherever, however."
Hutch winked at his wife then inched his hands downward... he was determined to see if his wife had bothered with underwear under that skirt. She hadn't, and Trini's eyes widened a little in surprise when Hutch's fingers found what they were after.
Tilting his head and shooting his eyebrows up, Hutch pulled Trini to him, and kissed her deeply. Trini couldn't help it... she softly moaned and pressed closer to her husband.
Neither one of them noticed the elderly couple's hasty departure.
Huggy covered the screen he and Starsky were viewing with one hand, "Man! I didn't know tonight was gonna have a triple X rating! I don't think those two need much encouragement to act like that!"
Starsky laughed and looked back at the screen, "Yeah. Aren't they terrific?"
Huggy nodded and smiled back, "Yeah... they're a good set, huh?"
The elevator doors opened and Starsky turned his attention to the hallway camera he and Hug had set up. When Hutch got close to the hidden camera, he subtly "flashed" it a shot of his butt.
Starsky smiled, "Yeah, I love you too, buddy."
Trini opened her suite door and "allowed" Hutch in first. In reality, he'd insisted on it so he could check out the room for intruders. Trini followed closely behind as she cautiously withdrew the pistol she'd hidden in her handbag. Hutch come back out of the bedroom to look around the other bath and the kitchen area.
Satisfied, he slowly turned back to his wife and purposely walked to her. Trini waited, breath held, eyes locked with her husband's. God, he was so incredibly sexy, and he made her weak when he looked at her like this.
Huggy had his ear pressed to the wall that joined Trini and Hutch's suite to theirs. Wrinkling his nose, he pulled back and stared at the wall with mock-disgust.
Starsky looked over and laughed, "They makin' it look and sound real, huh?"
Trini smiled down at Hutch from her perch spread out on top of him, "Well Sailor... time's up. Pay the lady and let's get this show on the road."
Hutch swatted Trini's rump, then gave it a gentle squeeze before stretching up to kiss her.
"You sure? Time sure flies when you're having sex.. er.. fun."
Laughing, Trini rolled off her husband and started handing him clothes. They both dressed quickly in silence, then stopped and looked at each other. Trini reached out to Hutch and he pulled her to him.
"Be careful, Mrs. Hutchinson. You're my heart and soul."
Hugging Hutch tightly, Trini kissed his neck before pulling away, "Ditto. Please watch your back. I have Hug and Dave watching mine."
Solemnly, Hutch made his way to the door and cautiously stepped into the hallway... all the while pretending like he didn't want to be seen, but that was exactly what he wanted. Quickly moving a door down, Hutch tensely opened his suite door and waited. No confrontation there, so he decided to "forget" something and head back downstairs. That gave his would-be attackers an opening.
Silently praying Hutch would be safe, Trini waited the designated time then opened the suite door. She had barely started to head out of the suite when she noticed some slight movement to her left. Not changing her pace, Trini continued to walk towards the elevators as she nonchalantly gripped her pistol at her side.
Suddenly, the suite door closest to the elevators swung open and Trini was pushed from behind. Pretending to fall, Trini rolled and leveled her pistol at her attackers.
"Wrong kinda girl, fellas."
The two men, one a Hispanic about 30, the other a Caucasian about 20, seemed to be deciding if they should flee or not. Trini cocked her pistol and smiled up at the men to stifle any thoughts of flight. Huggy came running in at that moment and the men knew they were done for.
Trini took the hand Huggy offered her and stood up.
"Where's Ken?"
Huggy nodded to the back elevator, "Garage. The 'duo' are together. He's fine."
Trini nodded and reached for Huggy's cell phone to call the police.
Hutch slowly walked into the parking garage, then began to wander so as to look lost. He didn't need to keep up the act long. Off to his right, he noticed a glint of pale, blonde hair behind a nearby pillar. Another man walked off to the left, trying to stay hidden in the shadows.
Hutch continued over to a car, pretended it was his, and dug for his keys. Hutch dropped the car keys and bent to pick them up as he pulled his gun from out of it's hiding place just in time. He was slammed from behind, and spun at his attacker, gun held against the assailant's head. Starsky firing off one shot and running towards them stopped the other man from his departure. Hutch smiled and shook his head a little when he heard Starsky coming. He could still always count on the man to cover his back.
Starsky shoved the other man against the car and slapped cuffs on him. He couldn't help but notice the black man seemed to have the soft, uncalloused hands of one who'd never worked a day in his life.
Spinning the man around, Starsky looked to his partner, "You O.K.?"
"Yeah, thanks. Where's Trini?"
"Safe with 'Uncle Huggy', Lover boy."
Hutch was done cuffing the blond and could now focus his full attention on Starsky and his comments, "Shut up Starsk, and make the call would you?"
The police came and arrested the 4 men for attacking an innocent man and his wife out on a "date." Trini and Hutch put on a great act saying they were there to add some excitement to their love life, and had dined with their friends beforehand. The police officer taking Trini's statement looked skeptical, but he had 4 witnesses that corroborated the same story. What else could he do?
"Thank you so much, Handsome Hutch. Honey, if you and Starsky hadn't helped us out the way you did... well, we'd be out of business. Thank you, again." Sweet Alice leaned over Hutch's desk to hug him goodbye just as Trini knocked on Hutch's open door. Hutch blushed and motioned for his wife to come in.
Trini politely held a hand out to Alice to introduce herself, "Katrina Hutchinson. You must be Alice."
Alice's hand flew to her breast and she smiled warmly at Trini, "My, you are even prettier than those pictures Hutch showed me. You do the Starsky family name real justice. Oh, and the Hutchinson one, too."
Trini blushed a little from the woman's complement and the news that Hutch had showed this woman her picture. He was a wonderful husband, and Trini felt doubly stupid she'd worried before.
"Thank you. And may I say 'Sweet Alice' does you justice as well?"
Sweet Alice's lilting laugh filled Hutch's office, "You may, honey. Thank you. I have to be goin' now. Bye y'all."
Hutch waved with one arm and pulled his wife to him with the other, "Bye Alice... and thanks for the bonus. It really wasn't necessary."
Sweet Alice just winked back at them, then shut the door.
Trini sighed, "I'm so sorry. I see why you guys adore her. She's a doll."
Kissing her forehead, Hutch whispered against her hair, "No apologies. It makes me feel good when you worry about your old, old man."
Trini punched him lightly in the side, "You are not old."
Hutch turned Trini to him and cupped her face in his hands, "I am. But you keep my spirit young."
The papers had a field day with Trini and Hutch's story. The headlines screamed out their "tale" on every local cover the next day. Hutch read them all off to Trini as she fed Michael in his highchair.
"Listen to this one, 'Lovers Got More Excitement Than They Wanted'." He turned the paper so Trini could see, "Hey, where'd they get a wedding picture from? Bastards. Nothing's sacred."
Trini laughed, "What do the others say?"
"Oh, how about 'Dinner, Dancing, and Near Death. One couple's horrifying story.' Who the hell said we went dancing? Jesus. Wait, how about this one, 'Former Cops Still Nabbing Bad Guys'. At least I like that one."
Michael was doing a fair job of covering himself with the cereal Trini was vainly trying to get into their son's mouth. Hutch smiled and moved closer.
"Can I help?"
Trini kissed him, and gladly gave him the spoon. "All yours, Daddy. I'm getting dressed."
Trini had just started for the stairs when the doorbell rang so she turned back around to answer it.
"Morning Jewel," Starsky greeted her, "Where's the Blintz?"
Trini kissed her uncle, then pointed to the table. "Feeding Michael. Go help him."
Setting himself on the opposite side of Michael, Starsky grabbed the spoon from Hutch, "My great-nephew... my turn."
Hutch raised his eyebrows, but gave up custody of the spoon without a fight.
"You know, you could at least say 'good morning' before you steal my son from me."
Starsky was too busy making faces at Michael to comment. When he was finished screwing his face into it's umteenth shape, Starsky grabbed Hutch's coffee and drank from it. Hutch rolled his eyes.
"You hungry as usual Gordo?"
"What do you think?"
Trini came back downstairs to bid goodbye to her three men. Hutch was kissed first, then Michael, and finally completing her circle around the table was Starsky.
"You boys all play nice today while Mommy goes to work."
Hutch smiled and walked his wife to the door. He was up for a little more affection, and was curious as to why Starsky was camped out at his kitchen table when it was Hutch's day off. He meant to find out from his wife.
As Trini opened the front door, Hutch gently caught her arm, "Hey. A better kiss, huh?"
Trini gladly obliged.
"And now, you wanna tell me what your uncle is doing here?"
Smiling wickedly, Trini winked and told her husband, "I decided you two needed to bond. I called him in as sick. Be nice to each other."
Hutch stared at the closing door in shocked amazement. Starsky came up behind him holding Michael, "It's amazing how she looks out for us, huh?"
Hutch could only nod as the three most important men in Trini's life made their way back into the kitchen to plan the day.
Michael had been bathed, fed, and was now sleeping through what might well be one of the greatest battles of the century... taking place in his own living room.
Starsky threw the dice as Hutch clucked at him, "You know Starsk, you still stink at Monopoly. When are you ever gonna learn?"
Shrugging, Starsky moved his top hat game piece, "Dunno Blintz, I suppose when we don't enjoy it anymore."
Hutch couldn't argue with wisdom like that and rose to grab two more beers.
Trini called from the office saying she'd be there soon, and asked Hutch to have Michael ready to go visiting. Hutch did as he'd been asked, then went to wait for Trini's return with Starsky out on the patio. Hutch had barely set Michael in his playpen and grabbed his coffee when Starsky started in.
"So Blintz, be honest now, you still lovin' married life?"
Choking on his coffee, Hutch had to take a deep breath before he could answer, "What the hell kinda question is that, Starsky. You are one weird guy, you know that?"
Laughing, Starsky asked again, "Well? Do 'ya?"
"You serious, Starsky? You really wanna hear about the 'State Of Affairs' in the Hutchinson household?"
A tight nod was all Hutch got in return. Leaning in to talk to Starsky, Hutch tried to read his best friends thoughts. Had Trini mentioned something to her uncle? Was Starsky worried about them? What brought this on?
"Starsk, is there something you're not telling me?"
"Jesus Hutch! I hate when you answer a question with a question. Just give me an honest answer for chrissakes!"
Still studying his best friend intently, Hutch sat back in his chair before answering.
"Is it ridiculous to say that marriage to Trini and the life we have with Michael is an almost constant state of euphoria? I am amazed at the way she completes who I am. Bringing out the best... sometimes the worst... in me. She's all I've been searching for Starsk. I surrendered my heart and soul to her, and I know she'll never let me down. She's my best friend..." Hutch looked over and chanced a small smile at Starsky, "well, of the opposite sex... I'll always love you. Is this what you needed to hear? Is there a problem I don't know about?"
Starsky merely smiled at his friend and shook his head. "No Babe. There's no problem. Not to hear the way Trini still 'oohhs' and 'aahhs' over you. Not to hear it from your mouth either. I just hope you two always listen to that little voice inside your hearts. It'd kill me if you two weren't happy... separate or together, Hutch."
Hutch held Starsky's hand tightly with his, "Thanks Buddy."
There was no time for Starsky to answer. Trini was home and they were all going somewhere according to her.
Hutch was filling the diaper bag when he heard Trini firing up the Torino outside.
The gleeful look that crossed over Starsky's face when he heard that familiar sound made Hutch feel obliged to quip, "What's she draggin' that piece of crap out for?"
That started it.
"Yeah? Well, I'll have you know that none of those rust-buckets you used to drive are even allowed on the road anymore. Laws against liter on the highway."
"Shut-up, Gordo. And grab the car seat on your way out."
Trini had been asked... no, begged... by Metro to bring everyone down for a visit. It had been far too long since any of their friends on the force had seen them, and Trini knew the guys had been sorely lacking in the bonding area. With each other, and other men as well.
As the familiar Torino pulled into the parking lot, some of the officers going inside stopped and looked. The ones who knew who had to be inside the car quickly came over to greet the long absent former officers.
Trini barely had time to slide out of the car before two of her old friends were wrapping their arms around her while trying to get a peek at the child safely wrapped in Hutch's arms. One of Trini's friends, Molli, {an African American officer} hadn't met Hutch. Eyeing him over first, Molli whispered to Trini, "Damn, Girlfriend! For white bread, he ain't bad!" The three women laughed as Trini grabbed them by the hand to show off her son.
"Ken... Molli Jones. Molli, my husband Ken Hutchinson. Honey, you remember Tara, right?"
Hutch nodded and smiled as he extended a hand to the women, "Nice to see you again Tara. Mollie, always a pleasure to meet a friend of Trini's."
Mollie smiled and kissed Trini's cheek, "Girl! He got manners, too!"
Hutch laughed and handed off his son before quickly joining Starsky at the "male" side of the car.
There were handshakes, laughter, and a bit of "where the hell you two been?" before the men all went inside. Several of the male officers started teasing Starsky and Hutch that they'd probably gotten old and soft and couldn't hit anything on the shooting range anymore.
Hutch turned and pointed to Starsky, "He's senile and blind, but I'd be happy to join you. And, show you up."
Starsky pushed his friend out of the way, "He's the one who's senile. Let's hurry and we'll lose his pokey ass in a hallway somewhere for hours."
The officers who knew these two men well were glad to see nothing had changed. The new friends they were making were laughing because these guys were just damn funny.
Trini was still in the Vice Department when her husband and her uncle joined her. They had played basketball, done a superb job at the firing range, {much to the dismay of some officers who made a few jokingly malevolent comments} and visited with everyone including the new Police Chief for hours.
It was when they were sitting in the new Police Chief's office that Hutch had looked across at Starsky, and saw that he was quickly winding down. As much as both men liked to try and forget it, a whole lot of bullet damage was done that fateful day in the parking garage. They both remembered all to well how their ambitions of life on the street faded with Starsky's pains, cramps, stiffness, and a slight lack of energy and stamina on both men's part. Finally, they had realized it all equaled desk jobs and/or promotions. After all this time, Starsky still wouldn't admit when he was beat, but Hutch always noticed and he knew it was time to take his family home. All three of them.
Outside at the Torino, Hutch quickly slid in the backseat so Starsky wouldn't have to contort his already tired and aching body. Starsky knew Hutch's excuse of wanting to sit by Michael was just that... an excuse.
Starsky smiled to himself as he realized he'd felt stupid and inadequate describing Hutch to the officers who hadn't know him as his best friend and former partner. The man was so much more, and Starsky hoped Hutch knew.
Michael and Starsky were fast asleep when Trini pulled the Torino into the garage. Realizing the car had stopped, Starsky stretched and started patting his pockets for his keys. Trini held them up, then quickly pulled them back when her uncle reached for them.
"Uh-uh. That's why I grabbed them earlier. You're playin' slumber party with my honey tonight. You guys got some more bonding to do tomorrow. I called Hutch in sick now."
Both men laughed and moved to get out of the car.
Hutch unbuckled Michael then followed Trini and Starsky into the house with the sleeping child. He lovingly kissed Michael as he tucked the child into bed before setting off in search of blankets and pillows. Sleeping equipment in hand, Hutch stopped by the bedroom to kiss his wife goodnight.
Trini turned to kiss her husband then winked at him, "Don't stay up too late, boys. I saw my uncle setting up the Monopoly board again."
Laughing, Hutch kissed her forehead and turned to go, but stopped at the door, "Hey."
"Hey what?"
Sweetly, Hutch smiled, "Thanks. Today was great. And I'm loathe to admit it, but I like this time alone with him."
Trini laughed, "I know. You two are kinda unfinished without the other. Go play. I'll see 'ya in the morning, Sweetheart."
Hutch headed back downstairs with a smile on his face. He knew it was gonna be a long night, but this was the kind that made everything somehow feel right. He tossed the pillows and blankets at Starsky who immediately started complaining that wasn't how to treat a house guest.
"You're not a houseguest, Starsky. You're part of the furniture. Make our beds while I make the coffee."
No doubt he and Starsky would fall asleep on the two matching couches Trini had bought for the living room... planning on exactly this. Her two favorite men would be found the next morning in disheveled, crumpled heaps on their respective couches after talking all night.
Hutch smiled. Yes, this made everything right.
"So, we gonna have a birthday party for my great-nephew this weekend or what, Hutch?"
Sighing, Hutch put down the paper he was trying to read. Michael kept grabbing the edge of it, and Starsky's constant bitching about Michael's birthday party made reading next to impossible. Hutch decided to read later.
"Starsky, I already ordered a cake for next weekend. What's the rush?"
"Hutch, we gotta round up witnesses and get our case ready for your little hotel buddies. I got a call yesterday from 'Sweet Alice' that a couple of her more loyal 'companions' decided to come forward and say they were robbed during 'conventions'. We got a lot of stuff to get done before we hit the court room in two weeks."
"Two weeks! Starsk, I didn't know... when did it get moved up?"
"Huggy called when you were giving Michael his bath. Seems the DA is frothin' at the bit on this one. Wants to make himself look good with an arrest and conviction..."
"What's the catch, Starsk? Why's he wanting this one so bad?"
"One of the kids is Louie DePalo's boy. The one who was upstairs with Huggy and Trini. Seems 'Junior' wasn't into takin' over Daddy's business and wanted to make a name on his own. Guess runnin' drugs isn't near as respectable to him as beatin' up hookers and johns. It's gonna be high profile, and the DA's eatin' it up. Says he might even be able to connect Daddy since they seized the stolen stuff outta the kids' room at DePalo's residence."
Hutch sighed heavily and drywashed his face, "Jesus Starsk. What did we get ourselves into? This was supposed to be just a simple little case for an old friend. We make a bust and some money, give a testimony, and walk away. Now it's gonna get turned into some goddamned media circus all for the benefit of the DA."
Starsky nodded, "I know, buddy. I know."
Trini had spent her day talking with "Sweet Alice's" contacts, dealing with an overzealous DA, and saying "no comment" to all the newspaper reporters who called. She was more than ready to go home when Leslie buzzed her extension.
"Trini, hey. I just got a call from David and he wanted to know if you and Hutch care if James and Marcus watch Michael tonight. We want to take you guys out to dinner then stop at 'Angie's' for a couple beers. You O.K. with that?"
"I suppose we should give the boys a reason to always use birth control. Yeah, let's do it."
Leslie laughed, "Your son is not that bad! They might want to reproduce after spending the evening with that charming child."
Trini could only laugh, "O.K. Whatever you think, but I know I could use some time out with my man."
Quickly setting her papers off to one side, Trini hurried to head home. The whole drive there she could only think about how nice it was to have a family like the one she and Hutch had. Their son would be safe and secure with her nephews, and she and Hutch would be out having a delightful evening with her aunt and uncle. How wonderful life was for all of them.
Hutch fell into his chair laughing as he pulled Trini into his lap and kissed her neck. Angie looked across the table and smiled before leaning over to Starsky, "They are good together, aren't they?"
Starsky smiled and watched the happy couple as they kissed again, "Yeah. They almost make you wanna puke, huh?"
Hutch sensed his ex and his best friend were laughing at his expense, and frowned at them, "Shut up, Gordo."
Starsky pointed to Angie as if to ask "what about her?" which only made Hutch and Trini laugh again.
Hutch pointed at the dance floor, and held his hand out to Starsky, "Forgive me. A conciliatory dance?"
The whole table erupted in laughter as Starsky pirouetted to the dance floor with Hutch in tow. Huggy slapped his leg and laughed so hard Candita worried, "You O.K., Hug? They not that funny."
Leslie and Trini had to disagree as they rose to save their idiot husbands from themselves, and more embarrassment, "Yes. They are."
The balloon Starsky was blowing up unexpectedly chose that moment to explode. Michael yelped and scampered to safety behind his laughing father.
"Moron. Only you would do that, Starsk. Are you truly that ignorant that you can't see when the balloon it too full?"
Shrugging, Starsky quickly retrieved the tiny balloon pieces before his nephew could grab them, and started on another one... he still had a lot more to blow up before he'd be happy with the way Hutch and Trini's house was decorated. Leslie, James, Marcus, and Trini came in the front door with the birthday cake, presents and dinner while Starsky still continued to inflated the colorful decorations.
Trini picked up her son as he walked to her, and smiled at her husband. "Hey. You ready to eat, or are you gonna help my uncle so this doesn't take all night?"
Sighing dramatically, Hutch flopped down on the floor beside his best friend and grabbed the bag of balloons out of his hands.
"Gimme those, Gordo. We're all gonna starve to death, and Michael will be two before you get this done."
Huggy, Candita, Lunk, and his girlfriend showed up promptly at seven to help celebrate Michael's first birthday... all bearing plenty of gifts for the birthday boy. Angie and Michelle showed up a few moments after with empty hands and big, mischievous grins.
Hutch was worried. Those two were up to no good.
Trini knew what the two women had planned, and she quickly tried to divert her husband's attention by announcing he should help her with the cake and ice cream.
Michael's pristine birthday outfit was quickly covered with cake and ice cream as the adults laughed and Starsky took pictures. Trini cleaned up her sloppy child, then sat him down on the front room floor to rip open his gifts. James quickly dropped himself down to help his smallest relative. Marcus, always shy around crowds, quickly offered to grab a trash bag for Trini to toss the destroyed giftwrap into.
Trini smiled, this was always the way she'd dreamed life should be. A small family to love and be loved by her, great friends who shared love and laughter, and the happiness all this brought her.
Michael tore into Candita and Huggy's gift first. It was the ugliest idea of a teddy bear Hutch had ever seen.
Hutch looked to his friend and laughed, "You can't be serious, Huggy! You make that ugly-ass thing with your old clothes?"
Starsky had to stop snapping pictures since he was laughing so hard he couldn't keep the camera from bouncing.
"Jesus Hug... that's ugly!"
Huggy looked offended and overplayed his pained look much to Starsky's great pleasure, "Starsky, you ain't never had no class, and you ain't never gonna have none. This is one fine, grade A, quality bear from my cousin Lee Otis. I gave him some 'nostalgia' wear out of the attic. That bear is a vintage part of our clothing history. He can make damn near anything when you put a needle in his hand."
Hutch laughed, "Yeah, and that's almost something, Hug. We just don't know what."
Starsky moved closer and poked the bear Michael was prodding and turning over in his hands. To Starsky, it had to be the ugliest damn teddy bear he'd ever seen. It was even wearing that ratty old multi-colored leather hat Huggy used to don so proudly. That only added to the overall ugliness of the gift.
The bear was made out of so many nasty forms and colors of 70's era clothing, Hutch had to add, "Do they even make any of those colors anymore?"
Trini laughed and handed her child another present... this one was from Marcus and James. Starsky looked to his boys, "You two didn't visit Lee Otis, too, did 'ya?"
Everyone laughed and Candita pointed at the bear, {she had hated that thing from the start} "I tol' you it ugly, honey."
More laughter erupted as Hutch moved to pat Huggy's shoulder, "Huggy, we lived in the 70's once... let's let it go, O.K.?"
Huggy finally had to laugh, then pointed to Starsky who was still laughing, "Somebody get the 'hyena' calmed down."
Starsky calmed himself and readied the camera as Michael finally reached the contents of the gift he'd been opening. He squealed happily and dumped the box out. Starsky started laughing again as Hutch groaned loudly.
Looking to her cousins, Trini winked to take away the anger in her words, "You two hate us, huh?"
The twins just laughed, and James smiled back, "We love 'ya guys, just Michael more."
Hutch grunted, "Obviously," as his son pounded on the toy drum then grabbed the cymbals.
Now it was Huggy's turn to laugh.
Lunk's gift was next. Trini laughed to herself at the adorable packaging the tough guy had wrapped the gift in. She hadn't even wrapped her son's gift so sweetly. The paper of pale blue puppies sleeping on fluffy clouds topped with yards and yards of ribbon was absolutely adorable. Lunk was probably blushing, but there was no way anyone would ever be able to see it on his ebony skin.
Michael couldn't get through all the ribbons, and was looking up to his parents in frustration as Lunk's girlfriend, Maria, quickly stepped forward to help the child.
"Sorry little man, I put too many ribbons, huh?" She quickly whipped a small pocketknife out of her thigh-high stocking and neatly sliced through the offending ribbons.
Starsky raised his eyebrows so high they could be seen over the camera, and Hutch leaned around the couch to get a better look until he met Trini's glare and quickly straightened in his seat. Looking to his son, Huggy was sure the man was red from head to toe by now.
Trini pulled the box top off and Michael squealed as he pulled out a set of mock barbells which he promptly hit Starsky in the knee with. Nobody could help but laugh again.
Finally, Hutch scooted forward the gift he and Trini had stressed over, debated about, and finally just bought. Michael wasn't quite sure what to do with a box larger than him, but soon began ripping paper heartily. When he got to the center, Michael squealed again and began pounding on the top chanting, "Op, op, op," which everyone believed to be "open." Hutch stepped forward to lift the ride-on fire truck out of the box. Instead of Michael climbing in for a ride, he chose instead to hit the firebell several times.
Trini wrinkled her nose and looked to Hutch, "This is already bad."
Turning to the two women sitting quietly off to the side, Trini smiled, "You two ready?" Both women nodded and Trini rose to help them. Hutch looked to Starsky and silently asked him what was up. Starsky truly had no idea, and merely shrugged.
The three women struggled through the front door carrying two large, but light boxes into the front room for Michael. Having seen a large package already, Michael readily tore into the gifts.
Huggy laughed and slapped his leg as soon as the product picture could be seen... Candita's hand flew to her smiling mouth to cover her laughter... Maria laughed loudly, and even Lunk smiled. Hutch tried to look outraged, yet he was close to laughter himself as he watched his son open the toy kitchen set. Complete with dishes and an apron.
"You two have got to be kidding!" Hutch bent to pick up the toy fry pan his son was sitting by, "Everything's pink!"
Michelle was smiling hugely, and Angie was laughing so hard she had to wipe the tears of laughter from her eyes before she threw out, "Hutch. It's O.K. This doesn't mean he's gay." The shocked look Hutch threw his ex-wife was well worth the comment she'd jokingly said.
Starsky couldn't contain himself any longer, "Hutch, it's not good to act so hostile towards your company. Outbursts like that are usually a signs of immaturity... plus, you can't stereotype toys to one sexual orientation."
Hutch sat with his mouth gaping for a moment before he recovered. He looked to the crowd of friends around him and quipped, "I can't believe something that intelligent and thought provoking came outta your mouth, Starsky."
Smiling smugly, Starsky rose and grabbed the gift he and Leslie had set behind the couch. Starsky had purposely wanted this to be the last gift. Leslie accepted the camera from her husband, knowing full well she would be the one to take pictures while her husband did what he told her he'd wanted to.
Moving to Michael, Starsky quickly kissed the child's head as small hands grabbed the present from his great-uncle's larger hands.
"Damn, he's quick, Hutch," Starsky tormented, "you sure he's yours?"
Hutch laughed along with everyone else, but eyed his friend suspiciously as Starsky came to sit on the armchair beside him.
"What? You buy him some ugly ass red bike with a white stripe or something? You're acting weirder than usual, Starsk."
Hutch knew it wasn't a bike. The box was too small, but he hated to cut his friend any slack.
Starsky was looking pretty serious, but his words as he winked at Hutch were playful, "Just think... pretty soon you an' Trini have a one year 'birthday' comin' up, too."
Hutch didn't comment back, but looked to Trini. She was blushing furiously.
Starsky was silent and smiled as they watched Michael tear into his gift and pull out a bright red sheriff's hat, a vest with a gold star on it, two toy pistols in their holster, and a pair of genuine leather cowboy boots. Hutch didn't quite get it, then realization swept across his face and he turned to smile at the man lounging so close to him.
"The boots," Hutch simply stated.
Nodding, Starsky smiled back. He always knew his buddy was a bright sort... he'd figured it out without any prompting.
"Yeah. I remember a guy stickin' by me even when the doctors and everyone else gave up and said they weren't gonna get an antidote in time. That poison musta gone to my head, 'cuz I offered to give you boots I didn't even have for bein' my best 'deputy.' I figured I'd pass a pair on to Michael as a thank you."
Hutch placed his hand over Starsky's and squeezed, "You did the same thing for me many a time, Starsk. You're welcome."
Lesli snapped a picture as the two men sat so closely together, hands clasped together in friendship that had lasted the test of time. Leslie couldn't wait to develop the film to see that picture.