By the time I was done putting this novel into a single-spaced format, it ended up a bit on the short side. I hope I can make up for it next time with an extra fat zine.

More often than not, hurt/comfort scenarios are the inspiration behind most of my stories. PHANTOMS is no exception. I heard from one fan friend about another fan who made a list of h/c situations that had not yet happened to Hutch, and that list was passed on to me. One of those situations--for now, let's just say it involves wire--sent my imagination into overdrive. I was able to combine that scenario with a couple of vague ideas I'd had floating around in the back of my mind, and this novel is the result. I am particularly pleased to, finally, have written something that ties into the episode "Ballad for a Blue Lady", as I feel Marianne Owens was the most multi-dimensional guest character to ever appear on the Starsky & Hutch series. I've always wanted to do a story that involved her in some way, and I hope everyone will enjoy reading about her impact on our boys as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

An extra special thanks this time around to my proofreaders, Beth and Trish, as they both had good suggestions for helping smooth out some rough spots. I was a bit under the gun, as I did want this zine to be available for Zebra Con, and I don't think it would have been near as good a story without the assistance from these two dedicated fans. Thanks, ladies, for coming through in a pinch.

I'm not sure what's next from here. I have another novel started and numerous short stories in various stages of completion. But after publishing three zines in a year's time, my pocketbook is in desperate need of a break. Most likely, there won't be anything new from me until next summer, and I don't know if what I publish then will be another novel or HAS 5. I'll just have to see how things turn out.

Finally, at the risk of whining, there's been quite a dearth of LoCs the past couple of zines, though overseas fans have been particularly faithful in passing along their comments. I hope it goes without saying that I love feedback and am always interested in what fans like best and least about my zines, and what they would like to see in any future zines I do. Silence does tend to make one question if all the time and effort of publishing what one writes is worth it.

I have always thought of Starsky & Hutch as the greatest love story of all time. I hope you enjoy this latest rendition of that very special relationship.

Charlotte Frost

October 1997
