This is an excerpt from an article called "Role Models for Romance," from the November 1984 issue of PLAYGIRL:

"Starsky and Hutch are the greatest TV couple of all time. One of them is blond and rugged and sort of cute, and the other is brunet and cute and sort of rugged, and they are undyingly faithful to each other. Whenever one of them becomes interested n another (a woman, let's say), she always goes blind or catches a fatal disease so that Our Boys never have to break up. Starsky and Hutch are really nice to black people and drive a Really Boss car and they never "dress up" for each other, because true love doesn't rely on artifice. And the way they flirt with each other, you know it's for keeps. Also, one of them always has a wacky hobby, such as biorhythm forecasting, so that the weight of police work won't encumber their buoyant boyish spirits.

Just about says it all, doesn't it?