Comments on this story can be sent to:

Part 1 (Chapters 1 through 5)
Part 2 (Chapters 6 through 10)
Part 3 (Chapters 11 through 15)


Part 4 - Final (Chapters 16 through 19)


Teri Colosimo



Thankfully for everyone, Michael slept in a little before the big first day in Disney World.

Upon rising, Michael and the Starsky's knocked on the Hutchinson's door and Starsky called out, "Rise and shine, loverbirds! Breakfast and the fun park! Hurry up!"

Trini groaned and rolled over to pull Hutch closer. No such luck. He was already out of bed, showered and dressing. He smiled lovingly at her and winked.

"Good morning."

Trini stretched and jumped out of bed then moved over to kiss Hutch on the cheek, "Morning, Kenneth."

Hutch grabbed Trini and pulled her to him, "Kenneth? You use me, then make glorious, sweet love to me, and I'm Kenneth?"

A short snort of laughter came from Trini, "You like being used. And I kinda like Kenneth."

Hutch wrinkled his nose, "You'd better not."

Smiling, Trini moved to the bathroom, then called out over her shoulder, "Hey.... coffee, huh?"

"Not if you call me Kenneth. I only fetch complementary coffee for women who are close enough to me to call me Hutch."

Pushing the door partially shut, Trini looked around it and winked at her husband. Using her sugary sweet voice with Hutch, Trini said, "Hutch, honey, could you get me a warm cup of coffee? I need to wake up properly after a wonderful night of love."

Hutch nodded once, "Better."

Trini laughed and hurried to shower. She didn't want anyone waiting on her any longer than they had to. Especially her son.


The park was already quickly filling up, and Trini insisted on Michael being close by her side. She held his hand or put his hand in Hutch's to assure the boys' safety. Starsky smiled as he watched Trini in action. The girl was overprotective, but he knew she couldn't help it. Trini loved that boy more than life itself. Just like Starsky loved her. He was proud of her. So proud, it made his throat tighten up.

Hutch turned around and started to say something to Starsky while Huggy and Trini got everybody's tickets out and they moved to the gates. The look on Starsky's face stopped Hutch. He put a hand on Starsky and asked, "You okay, buddy?"

Starsky shook his head and brought himself back to the present. He smiled at Hutch, "Yeah. Just thinking."

Hutch smiled gently and managed to tease his friend lovingly, "You hurt yourself?" He asked.

"Maybe." Starsky smiled back, "It's just 'cuz I'm getting old and nostalgic."

A half smile crossed Hutch's face, "I know, Starsk. Me, too."

Trini came back and started handing out tickets to everyone. She handed her uncle his ticket and made eye contact when she did. Smiling broadly, she reached up and pressed a tender hand on his cheek before turning to grab Hutch's free hand. Both men winked at each other before parting. Life was good, and they both felt so lucky to be together sharing it.


Michael squealed and wiggled in his father's arms to be set free as soon as they walked in the park. Trini noticed and took Michael. Hutch was a lot better, but if Michael kept bumping against that leg... it was just better if Trini held him for now.

James and Michael looked up at their parents with eyes that plead a silent, 'please?'

Leslie nodded, "Go on. Explore." Both boys took off together and Leslie had to holler the last part, "But stay together and meet us here at Noon."

Both boys nodded as they ran.

Starsky sighed and looked first at Hutch, then to Huggy before commenting, "Man. Did we ever have that much energy?"

"Candita thinks I still gots it," Huggy joked.

Leslie nodded vigorously, "I agree. There are still moments."

Trini piped up, "Hear, hear."

Hutch rolled his eyes and looked to the now blushing Starsky, "Come on. Let's distract these wenches we married with some rides here."

They all laughed and set off. Trini spied the Merry-Go-Round and looked up at Hutch. He nodded and smiled back at her. Trini had mentioned how she'd never been on one as an adult, or with a man. She'd been too heavy before, and avoided them. Now, she was thinner, happier, and she wanted to ride on it with Hutch and Michael. Everyone else followed as well.

Trini was going to pick one of the chariots to sit all three of them in, but changed her mind and climbed on a horse with Michael seated in front of her. Then, she looked to Hutch.

"You get up here, okay?" she whispered.

He winked and swung his left leg up and over effortlessly, "See? Just gotta mount on a new side." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down then leaned across to kiss Trini on her horse.

She laughed, "And you thought we needed distracting? Whatever."

Michael's eyes grew large when the ride started, but he didn't seem afraid. How could he? His uncle and Huggy were on horses in front of him, 'beating' them to win the race, Candidta and Leslie were laughing at their husbands, and his Mommy and Daddy were happy. This couldn't be bad if everyone else seemed to be having so much fun. Indeed, Michael loved it and almost stated crying when they walked off. Hutch quickly distracted him by pointing to another ride as the pair hurried forward to get in line. Candidta and Huggy looked at the show playing on the other side of the park.

Huggy questioned Starsky, "An' I suppose you'll be staying here with young Michael an' a playin', right?"

Starsky beamed at the boy as he and Hutch got in line, "Sure. My own children are in search of thrills and women," he did his best 'Groucho' impression now, "and not necessarily in that order."

Leslie nodded to her husband, "I'll stay and keep and eye on him. Have fun. Meet you for lunch?"

"Yeah. I'll need some sustenance or something to keep my 'He-Man' like strength up."

Trini shook her head, and hurried to catch up with her husband. Leslie pulled the camera out of her fanny pack and handed it to Starsky.

"Here, honey. I know you want this."

"Thanks, Babe." Starsky took the camera and snapped pictures of the other three members of their family as they waited in line. Hutch hoisting Michael high on his shoulders to see the whole park, Trini beaming up with love at her husband, Hutch smiling happily and so at ease.

Starsky snapped a picture then lifted his eyes and looked over the camera. He nodded and cleared his throat to get Leslie's attention. She looked where her husband was nodding, and laughed.

"Is that one Russ or Doug?"

"Not sure. They sure as hell want pictures of us, though, huh?"

High on one of the rooftops, security guard closely in tow, was the studio photographer. He took pictures in the general direction of Huggy and Candita, then pics of the trio in line waiting. After that he spoke into a walkie-talkie and turned to get a picture of Leslie and Starsky.

The photographer startled when he focused on the Starsky's and saw a camera pointing up at him. He waved over his camera, laughed and snapped the picture anyhow. It'd be fun, and a great example of what good detectives these guys still were. The blond had seen him the day before and nonchalantly turned to make a silly face behind his wife's back, before winking at the camera that had found him through the crowd.

Russ {that was his name, after all.} turned to the unsmiling guard and laughed, "They keep spotting me."

The guard snorted and gruffly commented, "Well, you did say the studio wants to do a movie about them. If they sucked, there wouldn't be much basis for a movie, now would there?"

Russ laughed heartily, "Right you are my good man. Can I buy you lunch while we wait?"

The guard brightened a little, "We leaving the park to eat?"

"Whatever. I'll tell them I need you."

"You're on."


Russ wanted to eat early before the people he was following in the park did. He wanted to get back as soon as possible. Double checking with the other guards, and his 'spies', Russ quickly found the location of the 'Bear', Hutchinson, Starsky group. They were all at the entrance waiting for the Starsky's twins to join them. The boys came running up, out of breath, but right on time.

Starsky looked at his watch, "Right on the nose. I don't have to kill you."

Marcus nodded, and a little winded laughed, "Yeah, we knew better than to make you late for a meal."

Starsky grabbed his son in a playful headlock and started walking with him trapped like that. Marcus laughed and started tickling his father. Starsky laughed and let go.

Trini looked around, then told Hutch, "Hey. Doug-Russ is snapping pics again."

Hutch never looked in the direction Trini was, he merely nodded and continued to laugh at his best friend and the boy he considered his nephew.

"Yeah, I know. Those'll be good shots of Starsky, huh?"

Looking to her husband a little incredulously, Trini asked him, "You're eating this up, aren't you?"

Smiling gently in his wife's direction, Hutch shrugged, "The more I think about it, the better an idea this all seems. I want the world to know and love Starsky the way I do."

Gently, Trini took Hutch's hand in hers and kissed it.

"I shoulda known."

Playfully pulling his hand from her and acting offended, Hutch sniffed down at his wife, "Yes. You should have know it wasn't all about me."

Then, he grabbed her and did his best "Ramon" dip on her. Trini thanked God he didn't drop her as they laughed.

"You just had to get an action shot of you, didn't you?"

Hutch just laughed and helped her up, "Well, I am still the best ex-cop within miles of here. Gotta get plenty of shots of me to work with."

Starsky turned back around, "Second best ex-cop."

Everyone else groaned and quickly moved away from the two men.

Starsky shrugged and raised his eyebrows in question to Hutch. He understood and they wrapped an arm around each other before pasting on cheesy grins and posing in Russ's direction. Russ groaned and laughed at the same time.

The security guard he'd taken to lunch looked at Russ and grunted, "You sure those two hams were cops?"

Russ could only laugh and reload his camera with more film. These two were hams. Big ones.


Lunch was eaten in laughter as plans were made to "ride this" or "ride that" with the boys. Michael laid his head against Trini's shoulder and yawned after he'd eaten. Candita patted Trini's arm and whispered, "I go get his stroller."

They had toted a stroller into the park that unfolded completely so Michael could lay down. Since they'd checked it into a locker close by, Candita hurried for it.

Hutch reached over and ran a loving hand down Michael's back, "I'll take him, honey. You go ride or something."

Trini shook her head, "Nah. All five of you boys need to go play. I'll shop while he sleeps."

Hutch rolled his eyes at the mention of shopping, but he smiled.

Huggy puffed up and said, "I ain't no boy. You's just ask my adoring wife when she returns."


A tired boy slept while his mother, Candita and Leslie shopped for gifts and souvenirs. When Michael woke up, the women set off in the direction the "men" were.

Starsky had rightly guessed Michael was due to wake up, and they were heading back to join their group.

Wet and laughing.

The sight of them brought smiles to the women and Michael who was trying to undo his seatbelt at the sight of his Father.

Hutch hurried over to help Michael as Leslie asked, "Water ride, boys?"

James smiled mischievously, "Water ride, water fight... Is there a difference?"

Candita laughed as Huggy wrung out his soaking wet hat, and Starsky made attempts to pull his wet shirt from his body. It didn't help. It'd just stick again.

Trini playful swatted Hutch's rear end, "We're gonna kicked out of here, aren't we?"

Laughing, Hutch shook his head, "Nah. It was a booth over there. They were selling water guns. They sold a lot more when we were through."

Trini smiled and said, "Come on. Let's get this little kid on a ride or two."

And ride they did. Big ones, small ones, children’s rides they all enjoyed. They saw shows and they shopped some more. Finally, all were filled with as much fun as they could handle, and decided to head back to change and rest before dinner.

At the hotel, Starsky went to the front desk to check for messages from Lunk. There was only one, in Lunk's usual manner, "Everything's fine." Starsky laughed and turned to go, but the desk clerk stopped him, "Oh wait Mr. Starsky. There's an envelope for you, too." It was a large manila envelope with a post-it note stuck on front. It read, "Russ. I'm Russ. ha! Enjoy the pictures. And, when you all have time... can I get another interview. Well, Doug and I. Remember, Doug's the other one." Starsky laughed and opened the envelope. There were some great pictures in there. Starsky hurried to show Hutch and Huggy.


Doug turned on the recorder and smiled, "Thanks for meeting us. We need a little bit more info on you two."

Starsky nodded to the rather large pile of papers off to one side of the desk, "What's all that?"

Russ beamed back at the men and gushed, "Some of the copies of your old case files. You guys were great!"

It took everything Hutch had in him not to groan at the twentysomethings in front of him. He was proud of what he and Starsky'd accomplished on the force... together... but, these two were maybe a little too starry eyed about police work. They'd probably watched to many of those fakey-ass cop shows on the TV. Still...

"So," Doug started, "Can we ask you about some of this stuff we read? Not just the black and white, on paper stuff. The insider stuff. Emotions. Crime scenes."

Hutch felt a little better. Maybe these two were capable of this being handled properly. Still, he'd wait and see.

Starsky was obviously feeling the same way. He eyed the young men over carefully, folded his arms across his chest, then smilingly leaned back in his chair. "Sure. Hutch and I'd be delighted. Wouldn't we Hutch?"

Hutch grinned, "Sure, Starsk." Hutch knew these two probably hadn't seen the crime scene photos form the original folders. Starsky knew it, too. The Doug-Russ duo were in for it.

Hutch grinned again, and covered his laughter with a small cough. Starsky winked and nudged Hutch gently on the foot with his.

Let the games begin!


"So, you're telling me, this guy thought if he killed these girls and drained them of their blood... he could bring his dead wife back?" Doug's eyes were wide in disbelief, Russ on the other hand, was still full of questions. Even if he was acting a little sick to his stomach. "And he fell to his death?"

Hutch nodded. Starsky yawned.

" did you know all about the plan to sacrifice a small child? How did he practically drain the victims of their blood?"

Hutch decided to answer questions for awhile. "We did a search of his place. He kept a journal of how the 'priest' and he needed al the blood. They were, supposedly, going to grab a child to be sacrificed after being covered in all the blood. It was going to be, again supposedly, enough of a sacrifice for the Lord of Death. All the blood of the women, mixed with the pure blood of the child, at just the right time....." Hutch shrugged. "Who knows? The priest said all he ever used was goat's blood. And, that all his ceremonies were just for money." He shook his head, "And those girls lost their lives over a hoax."

Russ's eyes returned to normal size, but all he said was, "Whoa."

Starsky chuckled a little, but only Hutch noticed.

After a moment of overdramatized waiting, Hutch shook his head again. Looking to Starsky, he said, "Hey, do you remember how those girls' throats looked?"

"How could I forget? And that thing we found... that pump like thing that drained most of the blood from the victims." Starsky reached for the files, "I wonder if we could find it and show it to these guys..."

Doug's eyes grew as wide as Russ's had been, "No, that's alright. We really don't need to see any crime scene photos. Thanks. We're just after this stuff."

Hutch grinned a little into his hand when Doug said, "As a matter of fact, I believe we know more about this particular case than we need right now. Can we get ahold of you guys later?"

"Not tomorrow," Hutch informed them. "We're going back to Epcot and Disney." Hutch looked intently into Russ's eyes and added, "Alone."

Russ got the hint. No pictures tomorrow. He nodded and smiled, "You got it guys. Have fun. And let us know when we could catch up to your lovely wives. If you don't mind."

Doug leaned forward and smiled at Starsky, "I get this story right? His wife," nods to Hutch, "Is your niece?"

Starsky nodded, "So?"

"No, no problem. I just figure she's got ALOT of stories about both of you."

Hutch groaned, and commented, "Well, we've only been married a little while."

Russ pulled out a paper and looked at, then asked, "You helped her out when she was, um.. let's see, papers say she was like 8 when her mom disappeared." Russ looked to Starsky, "You raised her then?"

Starsky nodded, "More or less."

"And Ken's money from some funds or something..."

Hutch leaned forward and pointed a threatening finger at them both, "Listen fellas. We've been doin' alright so far. Let's not fuck it up, okay? Nothing, I stress, nothing about Trini's childhood or any money I may or may not have used is to be brought up. Get it? Her childhood is a bad book better left closed. If you want to have any co-operation from Starsky or me, that is."

Both men nodded back, "We got it. No childhood."

Starsky rose to leave and Hutch followed suit after smiling pleasantly, "Night fellas."

As Russ and Doug watched them leave, Doug turned to Russ and said, "We gotta get the studio on the phone. I think Melody has the right idea. We GOTTA get these two on screen. No actors playing them."

Nodding vigorously, Russ agreed, "I know! You see how they still defend each other? When you asked about that case where that guy wrapped the dead girls in television wire..."


"Yeah! Rightwood! Hutchinson jumped right in and blocked all the questions. Still protecting Dave... I don't know, man. I think it'd be a better story if they told it. From their perspectives, and the audience could see the way these two still are. A team. United together.."

Doug cut in, "Still partners."

Quietly, Russ agreed, "Yeah, man. Still partners."



The next morning, Trini awoke feeling slightly nauseous. Quickly covering her discomfort, Trini ducked into the shower before Hutch and Michael woke up. When she could breathe easier, Trini turned on the shower and ducked inside.


Now is not the time to be ill! she told herself. We have a whole vacation ahead of us! Gotta get over this. Reaching out of the shower, Trini opened the bottle of Pepto-Bismol and swallowed a mouthful of the vile liquid. Her stomach had to get better before they hit the park!

Hutch snuck in to join Trini while Michael was sleeping. He was hoping to catch some quality time with his wife and maybe...

Trini rested her head against the shower wall and let the water beat over her. Finally, she was feeling better! Trini felt the shower curtain move and saw Hutch's feet in the tub behind her. Smiling, and glad she was better now, Trini turned to her husband.

"You leave the door open for Michael?"

Hutch nodded and grabbed the soap. He quickly lathered himself, knowing his wife was already clean. He had to get clean as well, before Trini would "get dirty" with him. It was a well known fact in the Hutchinson household. No nookie if you're too dirty! It had made Hutch crazy at first, but now he admitted it was the way to be.

Now clean, Hutch gabbed his wife to him and kissed her. There was no time for pleasantries this morning. Michael could wake up at any time. Quickly, Trini braced one leg on the shower ledge and Hutch moved quickly inside her. It took Trini's breath away to be acting so primal with her husband. It was a nice change from their normally sweet or long love sessions. Just what the morning needed!

Hutch was quickly thrusting and Trini leaned over to press her mouth against his shoulder to stifle her moan. Arching up with her hips, Trini grabbed Hutch and shoved him more firmly into her as she exploded. Hutch let her, then moved some more. His breath came out in a whoosh as he, too, met a wonderful release. His breathing slowed and Trini traced a finger along his upper lip. Then she giggled, and said, "Good Morning."

Breathlessly, Hutch said, "Good Morning."

He bent to kiss her and whispered, "That was nice. Thank you."

"Mm-hm. Just what I needed to start the day. A quickie before our child wakes up."

"Yeah. And I think I hear him waking now. Not a moment too soon."

Trini nodded and reluctantly pulled from her husband's embrace to care for the child she heard coming in the bathroom to join them. She bent out of the tub and looked her child in the eye.

"Hey you."

Michael smiled and reached up. He was ready to take a shower. As usual.


Everyone decided to start in Epcot first. The sights and sounds were incredible and everyone had a wonderful time. No Russ. No Doug. No cameras snapping shots. No interviews. Just a great morning of learning and playing. After lunch, they all planned to hit the rides in Disney World again.

Michael nodded off again, and Hutch pulled Trini off to the side, "I'll sit with him today. I didn't bring you all the way out here to watch everyone else have fun, Babe."

"Hutch, I'm fine. I don't feel like riding right now."

Bristling, Hutch snapped at his wife, "You think this is my last chance at a vacation or something? Michael and I are the only Hutchinson's who get to have fun? Get out and ride dammit."

Pressing a finger to Hutch's chest, Trini quietly informed him, "I.. don't... want.... to... ride. And nobody said anything about a 'last vacation' dear. You're acting like an ass. Don't ruin our vacation just 'cuz you have to be right all the time." Trini looked to make sure Leslie was still watching over Michael then turned and stormed away. Hutch was going to follow her until Huggy caught his arm.

"You know, blond one, sometimes people like you give blondes a bad name."

Hutch just glared at Huggy and asked him, "What do you know about it?"

"I know you used to be a detective an' yous oughts to be a lot smarter." Huggy pointed to the sign beside the water ride Hutch had wanted Trini to join the boys on. It was a warning sign that said all people with back problems, pregnant woman, etc., shouldn't ride the ride.

A light came on and Hutch looked at Huggy more softly now.

"You think...? Really?"

"Don't know, my cranky-ass white brother. I just look at the facts. She's not eating her 'Starsky' favorites like burritos. All I see is a lot of bland crap goin' in her. Lots of that pink crap, too."

Hutch looked back at his wife. She had finally stopped and was looking in the stores. Thinking back, Hutch realized Trini didn't have any "feminine products" in their bags this time. Now he felt like an ass.

"Huggy. I'm sorry."

Nodding, Huggy pointed to where Trini was, "Don't be tellin' me how sorry you are. Go tell the little ex-Miss Starsky. We got the boy."

No more prompting was necessary. Hutch took off to apologize to his wife. He came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Trini shrugged it off and moved away. Hutch sighed and followed her to the other side of the room.

He tried again, 'Trini, I'm sorry. Maybe it's because I'm old enough to be your dad and I feel like I need to be the boss. Maybe it's just because I'm old and bullheaded.."

"You are not old. You're mature. Well, sometimes."

Hutch smiled a little, "Hey. I'm sorry. I am, baby. Let's go and find something you feel like getting on."

Trini smiled and raised her eyebrows at her husband. He was forgiven.

"I meant," Hutch laughed, "a ride in here."

"Oh. Well, alright. But only if you stop bossing me around, okay?"


Hutch quickly kissed her and Trini smiled. She kissed him back just as quickly. Then she took his hand and started to walk back. Hutch reached around and laid a hand on Trini's stomach.

She stopped and looked at the hand that lay over their newly growing baby. Trini cleared her throat and continued to stare at the hand as she asked, "You mad? I didn't want to tell everybody 'til we got home. I want to be sure it's all okay..."

Gently, Hutch asked her, "You didn't want to tell me?"

She shook her head, "Not until I felt it was safe. I haven't even peed in a cup yet, but I'm pretty sure..." Trini sighed and looked off, "And... I'm worried I may be getting too old..."

Hutch laughed at that, and Trini looked up at him.

"That does sound stupid, huh?"

Hutch just nodded.

"Okay. The doctor just scared me when... Well, there's a lot more danger the older I get. I'll have to get tests done when we get home."

"Okay. If there's a problem... We'll handle it. Together."

Trini nodded, "Sorry. I just hate to worry you with stu..."

Hutch gave Trini a glare that stopped her. They were in this together and Hutch was pissed that she'd felt a need to "hide" stuff from him. Even if she felt it was to "protect" him from some unpleasantness.

Nodding, Trini smiled and said, "I was wrong. You're right."

Hutch grinned and started to walk back again, still holding his wife's hand. A little behind him, he heard her mutter, "Jesus, I hate when that happens."


The rest of the day went great. Hutch almost made Trini nuts a couple times when he insisted on being the one to carry Michael or push the stroller. She knew he'd get like this. He was Mr. Overly Cautious. Especially where his wife and child... er, children were concerned. Other than that, it was wonderful. Trini started feeling better and better as the day went on, everyone loved their day, and the night fell far too quickly for their liking.

Trini decided she was feeling very Starskyish then. In other words, starved. When she whispered, a little embarrassed, into Hutch's ear just how hungry she was, he merely smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Come on," he whispered back, "I shall feed you, oh mother of my children."

Trini laughed with her husband, and they informed the rest of the group they were eating. Did anyone care to join them on their quest for Chinese food?

David Starsky, of course, piped right up, "Chinese?"

The rest of the Starsky clan shook their heads at the bottomless pit they all dearly loved. Leslie reached in her purse and pulled out a restaurant guide for Florida. That sent Huggy into uncontrollable laughter.

"Look, Curly! The poor woman slaves over your meals even when not in the kitchen!"


At dinner, the men all discussed what time they had to be up, which dock they had to be on, and who got first try at swordfishing in the morning. Maybe a marlin, too. All they cared about was that they were all going fishing. For big fish.

The three women yawned. Dinner was done, Michael had fallen asleep in his stroller, and they weren't going fishing. They didn't care. They were bored.

Clearing her throat loudly, Candita informed the men they were with, "We go back to hotel. You can stay here, but we going."

That got the attention of the previously negligent males.

Penitent, they all began to smother the women with love and attention. Apologies overflowed and the waitress laughed as she and the busboy cleared their table.

"I'm sorry, Les. Hutch was being stupid. I had to set him straight on who was catching the big fish in the morning..."

"Here, Trini. Let me get the stroller, babe. I had to remind your uncle who was, and always has been, the best fisherman..."

"Sorry, Mom. Uncle Hutch and Huggy were placing bets..."

"Yeah, Mom! I didn't know Dad even brought that much money! You shoulda heard how much he bet..."

"Cand, wait! I got the room key! Wait, honey...."


Michael and Hutch were sleeping soundly, Trini couldn't. For the first time in weeks, she had felt like eating and eat she had. Far more than she should have. The indigestion was incredible!

Rising quietly, Trini stole into the bathroom to down more Pepto. She was rummaging in the carry-on when Hutch, eyes sleepy and half closed, came in to check on his wife. With the Pepto.

Whispering so as not to wake Michael, Hutch informed her, "I put it by the bed. So you could find it."

Laughing lightly, Trini gratefully guzzled from the bottle then rinsed her mouth with water after washing the vile liquid down. Turning to her husband, now sitting groggily and yawning on the toilet, Trini kissed Hutch's cheek.

Stopping mid-yawn, he asked, "What was that for? Not that I'm complaining."

With slightly teary eyes, Trini smiled and said, "Just because I love you Ken Hutchinson. Not many other guys would drag their tired asses out of bed to bring their wives the Pepto. You are wonderful."

Preening proudly, Hutch puffed his chest out and playfully whispered, "I'm a God, huh?"

Shaking her head, Trini grabbed Hutch's hand and led him to the bathroom door. "Come on, oh great one. Cuddle with me."


With the men gone fishing, the women spent all day shopping. Trini bought a few new clothes, but not many. She wouldn't be able to wear them soon. She hoped.

Candita bought souvenirs for her family while Leslie was already doing her Christmas shopping. The many bags filled the bottom of Michael's stroller. At lunchtime, they returned to the hotel to drop off some of the purchases and to eat. On the way back, the girls spotted a tattoo and piercing parlor.

Leslie looked at Trini and her face lit up. "Trini! You wanna?"

Trini looked to her aunt and shrugged, "Sure. Why not? Candita?"

"I'm game. After lunch we do this?"

Nodding and beaming, Leslie said, "Yep. After lunch."



As the three women stepped out of the parlor, laughing and looking guilty, the men found them. It hadn't been too hard. Trini'd left a message at the front desk so they wouldn't worry.

Hutch pulled Trini to him and kissed her long and tender. Then Michael pulled on his leg. One kiss was ended, another given.

Huggy was looking sideways at his wife, "You were all in there? Should we dare ask?"

Giggling, Leslie lifted her hair to expose the top of her ear. Candita followed suit. Hutch lifted Trini's hair and looked under it as she held their child.

"You all had your ears pierced again?" Starsky questioned. "All the way up there? Didn't it hurt."

Hutch took his son, "Your earrings match... that was intentional?"

"Of course, Ken. We good friends. We do stuff like this," Candita sniffed in mock disgust.

All men looked at the tattoo/piercing parlor. Then, they all looked at each other. Simultaneously, they all took off together. Muttering as they went.

"Uh-huh. I don't like these white boys that much to get nothin' permanent on my body for them."

"No way! I've gone this long without something being marked or stuck through me. I believe I can continue to go without, fair ladies."

Starsky wasn't as eloquent as his friends, but it was entertaining. As he walked quickly from the building, he said, ever so quietly, "Nuts. They finally went fucking nuts."


Trini held Hutch's hand in hers as they laid in bed together. Michael was sleeping ever so soundly in the small bed next to them when Trini turned to her husband and tapped him lightly on the chest.

Eyes still shut, Hutch grunted, "Hmm?"

Trini poked his chest again. This time he opened one eye and looked at her. Trini pointed to the bathroom. Hutch drew in a deep breath and rose to follow his wife.


I truly must love this girl to drag my tired ass out of bed for her all the time. Yawning, he entered the bathroom and turned on the light Trini hadn't.

Sitting on the sink and smiling mischievously, Trini motioned her husband inside and to shut the door. He did.

Trini sat there, looking to Hutch like the small child he once knew her to be. She had done something "wrong." Hutch just knew it.

Her first words confirmed it.

"Honey," she whispered, "I've gotta tell you something and I don't want you to be mad, okay?"

Hutch looked at her sideways and waited.

Trini rose from the sink and took off the long teeshirt she wore as a nightgown. Standing only in her panties, Trini tapped her toe nervously as Hutch inspected her naked body. He sighed a little with relief when he saw nothing else had been pierced. Then, she started to pull her panties down and Hutch's breathing stopped.


She didn't! She wouldn't! I hope!!!!

On her right side, about 2" away from her most intimate part, there was a small piece of gauze. Curiously, Hutch leaned forward to inspect the area. Breathing again, he realized it couldn't be pierced at least.

Shyly lifting the gauze, Trini lowered her head and waited. No explosion from her husband gave Trini the strength to look up a little. As she did, Trini saw Hutch reach a tentative hand to trace around the area.

"Does it hurt?" he whispered.

"Nah. Not really."

Grabbing Trini's underwear, Hutch used it to gently pull her to him. She giggled when he kissed the area above the tattoo Trini had been contemplating for the last year. She'd finally been brave enough to do it.

"I almost wish Starsky could see this, Trini. It's beautiful." Hutch kissed beside the tattoo now and carefully re-covered it with the gauze. "You did this for me? And Starsk?"

Trini nodded. Hutch reached up and slowly pulled her panties the rest of the way down.

Trini closed her eyes and smiled when Hutch's tongue darted out to lick her.

"Does it hurt too much for this?"

Shaking her head, and pulling Hutch's mouth back to her now aching body, Trini informed him, "Never."

Smiling hugely, Hutch pulled her back to him and continued.


Laying in bed, Hutch stared up at the ceiling smiling as Trini slept.

His wife had gotten a tattoo.

A small one. Maybe an inch around if it was lucky. But a tattoo nonetheless.

It was the same symbol on the keychains Trini had bought for him and Starsky when the investigations business had been started. The half black, half white "Ying and Yang." The two teardrop shapes of opposite color, wrapping together to make one. Trini had always said she thought of her husband and uncle like that. It was how she wanted to remember them. Opposites always together. Always.

Smiling some more, Hutch sighed contentedly and pulled his wife to him in her slumber. He felt very lucky. This woman was very devoted to him. And to Starsky. Sleep came quickly as Hutch listened to Trini's deep breathing.




Angie and Michelle had been noticeably absent the last day or so, but with good reason. Michelle's father lived in Florida and had finally decided he loved his daughter more than continuing to worry about what her sexual orientation was. The couple had been spending a little time with Michelle's father.

Angie had called and talked to Trini the night before stating that the man looked like hell. Frail, on oxygen, bedridden. The forgiveness and change of heart had come just in time.

Sighing tiredly, Angie informed her friend, "Please tell Hutch and the gang where we'll be until we head back to the ship tomorrow. And apologize for me... well, for us."

"Ang, you wanna apologize? For what? For spending a few quiet moments with a dying man? No. I won't apologize for you, but I'll tell everyone where you are. We miss you two and we'll see you on the ship in two days."

"Thanks, Trini. Tell Ken he's a lucky man."

Snorting in laughter, Trini said, "Hold on, Angie. He's crashed right here. You tell him. He'll NEVER believe me." Then, she pushed the phone at her resting husband.

Hutch made his wife laugh with his "Yello?" into the phone.

Why she always laughed, Trini didn't know. Anybody else doing it would have seemed dorky, but when Hutch did it, somehow it was adorable.


"Wake up, Blintz. It's time to go!" Starsky called as he pounded on Hutch's hotel room door again. Michael and Trini answered it and snuck out the door with Trini's finger up to her mouth in a silent "shhhh." Trying to see inside, Starsky leaned to peer over Trini's shoulder. She shut the door and scowled at her uncle.

"Nosey," she quietly admonished him.

Leslie's brow wrinkled up in concern, "What's wrong with Ken?"

"Yeah, Trini....what's wrong with Blintz?" Starsky had a look of concern Trini knew wasn't all that necessary.

"He'll be fine. His hip hurts. I got him some medicine. He wants to rest while we eat." At Starsky's concerned look, Trini placed a hand on her uncle's arm and gently stressed, "He'll be fine, Dave. He and Michael were playing horsy is all."

Nodding, Starsky turned and followed his wife, nephew and niece down to the elevator. After he'd taken a moment to cast one long glance over his shoulder at the door he hoped would open. It didn't.


Waking up, Hutch stretched and rubbed his leg and hip. They didn't feel so bad now. Feeling something on his hands, Hutch sniffed his fingers and wrinkled his nose.

"Muscle rub. Nasty." Still , he had to be grateful Trini had thought to do it for him. His stomach growled and Hutch decided to join the group downstairs for breakfast. He was attempting to wake up as he slowly rolled to the side of the bed to gently ease his long, golden legs over the edge. Sitting there, back to the door, Hutch heard it open. He left his head resting tiredly in his hands as he greeted his wife, "Hey, babe."

The voice he heard was most definitely NOT his wife's.

"Hello, lover."

Hutch just shook his head and laughed, "Starsky, I just woke up. Or maybe not. I think this is a nightmare. Is that was this is?"

Settling easily next to Hutch, Starsky gently asked, "How's your leg?"

Looking his best friend in the eye, Hutch smiled, "Better. I can keep up with my son now."

"Not without breakfast."

Hutch looked over at the tray Starsky had placed at the foot of the bed. Granola cereal with banana. Yogurt. A poached egg. Black coffee.

Starsky was truly a great friend. Hutch told him just that. Not with words. With a smile of genuine thanks, a loving pat on the leg, and a hearty appetite.

Starsky smiled back as Hutch dug into his food. It did his heart good to do things for Hutch.

They were the best of friends.






"Parasailing, Hutch? My butt strapped on that little seat, all the way over the sea? I don't know, Hutch."

Hutch pointed to Huggy waving to them from high above. The brilliantly colored parachute carried their friend up into the sky, and out over the sea. After about three minutes, the boat towing Huggy about slowed and landed him gently on the beach next to Hutch and his group.

"Whooie!" Huggy beamed. "You's guys gotta try this thing! Man, it is exhilaration in it's finest hour!"

having heard enough, Leslie pushed her hesitant husband to the side, "If you're not going, I am."

Leslie strapped on the parachute while the man selling the rides readjusted the seat for her comfort. Double checking her straps, he looked to Leslie and smiled, "You ready, young lady?"

Starsky snorted when the man called his wife that, and was given a shin kick by Leslie.

Leslie nodded and smiled, "Trini! Don't forget to take a picture of me!"

Waving and laughing back, Trini called out to her as Leslie rose off the ground, "Got it! Have fun, Les!"

Hutch picked Michael up and sat him on his tall shoulders so Michael could see as Trini snapped pictures. Starsky waved to his wife. Candidta just shook her head.

"No way. No way I go up there, Huggy."

Hutch laughed and nudged Starsky, "See? Only girls won't go up."


The laughter from Hutch was so deep and loud, Angie knew exactly where in the hotel restaurant her friends were. In the back. Away from everybody else. The tight-knit little family all to themselves.

Making her way to the back, Angie wiped at her eyes, and pasted on a smile. It turned into a real one as she took in the scene before her.

Starsky was being tormented, as usual. Hutch was wiping at his laughter filled eyes. Leslie, Trini and Candita were all laughing and pointing at a photo Leslie was holding.

Moving inside the secluded room, Angie genuinely smiled. How could she not? The laughter, the happiness... it was just what she needed right now.

Looking up, Hutch saw his ex-wife in the doorway. For a fleeting moment, he'd seen the sadness in her eyes. Then, he'd seen her smile. It made Hutch feel better, but he was still worried about Angie. He leaned to Trini, whispered in her ear, then rose to talk to Angie in private. Trini waved to her and winked. Angie smiled back as Hutch easily wrapped his long arm about her waist and threw out, "Be right back, gang. Were going to let the waitress know Angie's here so she can order."

Starsky smiled at Hutch's departing back and whispered to his wife, "He's a horrible liar."

Nodding, Leslie laughed lightly, "The white knight. He has to help those damsels in distress."

In the hallway outside, Angie turned to Hutch and buried her face in his strong shoulders before the quiet sobs started. He ran a gentle hand down Angie's head, and over her back soothingly. Then, he kissed her forehead. Angie started laughing then.

Hutch laughed too. They were a sight. The two ex's, still caring for each other, still good to each other, still there for each other.

Wiping her face, Angie said, "I was a fool to let you go, Ken Hutchinson." Then she grinned wickedly, and sighed dramatically, "If only you'd been a girl."

Hutch roared with laughter, then. "Well, my dear. I'm not. Although, I really like girls. Guess I'm a lesbian, too."

Angie shook her head and mock glared at her ex, "I'm not sure I like you now."

Grabbing her hand and pushing her to the bathroom, Hutch informed Angie, "You do. Wash up so I can buy you dinner. Then, you can tell me what happened. If you want to."

Tenderly, Angie told Hutch, "I lied. Trini's the lucky one."

"Oh! Hurry up, so you can tell her!"

Angie laughed and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up.


There was a park behind the hotel and Trini decided to take Michael there. Hutch was off with Angie somewhere, consoling her about something, and Trini had a desire to play. She went to find her uncle. He always liked to play, too.

Huggy and Candita tagged along, but sat holding hands under a secluded tree. Their idea of fun was each other. It warmed Trini's heart to see them still so in love. Looking at her aunt and uncle playing on the swings with Michael, she felt her heart warm again. They were still so in love, too.

Sighing, she made her way across the balancing beams she was walking on and thought to herself, "I hope Hutch and I are always in love like this."

As if on cue, {to interrupt anyways}, Hank... from the studio... walked across the lawn to Trini, calling out as he came, "Hello, Mrs. Hutchinson."

She looked up and politely waved, but went about her exercising. The park was well equipped for stretching, balancing, and running. She liked it. And she really didn't want to be bothered with questions about her private life.

Hank drew closer and looked around. Nosily, he asked, "Where's Mr. Hutchinson tonight? I thought I saw him still in the hotel lobby. Talking with someone."

Trini knew the man was just trying to bait her. She took it.

"Mr. Hutchinson is there. Talking with my friend, his ex-wife. Did you need that information for the movie, or you just nosey, Hank?"

Hank laughed and Trini glared at him until she realized he was laughing happily, not maliciously. Still smiling, Hank said, "He's always helping, huh? You're not jealous, the Starsky's are happy, the Brown's are super people... How in the hell am I supposed to make a movie about you people? No dirt at all!"

Trini laughed heartily and sat down beside Hank. She eyed him out of the corner of her eye, looking at him differently now, and said, "Thanks."

Pretending surprise, Hank said, "For what?"

"For not digging up bones. Not looking for dirt. Letting those skeletons keep hiding in our closets."

Looking down and plucking a dandelion from the grass, Hank handed it to Trini, "You are welcome, fair lady. I will only put in the stuff all of you gave us. I have enough on Huggy to 'spice' it up, anyhow. He told me some stories..." Hank shook his head and laughed again.

"I'm sure!" Trini laughed.

"Hey," Hank started, "I heard some about the umm... past loves. Will you ask around, see if I use any of it? I won't if they say no, but some of it was very important police work and I'd like to show it. It also will help the audience see their bond. The audience doesn't know them. I want them to see the whole story behind David and Ken. They're so easy to like, and I want the audience to see that, too. The friendship through adversity, the love, the..."

Placing her hand on Hank's arm, Trini told him, "I thank you again, sir. You are kind. I know you're asking me as well."

Hank blushed slightly, "Yeah. I am. Sorry to do it so roundabout."

"No. It was nice. The whole reason any of us hesitated was that. We don't want... all of it out. It could be dangerous. Emotionally." It was Trini's turn to blush when she spoke again, "We weren't sure if we could trust you 'Hollywood Big Shots' or not."

Hank nodded.

"...Still," Trini told him, "Leslie and I will discuss it with our charming husbands. We don't mind the free world knowing about the vast amount of ex-lovers our spouses had."

Hank laughed, "There were a few, huh? Oh, sorry."

"Nah. It's okay. It was the 70's." Hank roared with laughter and almost didn't hear Trini when she spoke again, "Beside's, it'll make Les and me look like femme fatale's this way. WE kept them. Those others all lost out."

Hutch and Angie came over the rise of the hill then. Standing with Hank's help, Trini dusted off her rear and informed him, "Just don't make Les, Cand and me look like sluts, k?" Then, she winked and ran to join the man she adored.

Talking to nobody, Hank said, "Never. You're strong women, not sluts."


It was time to reboard the boat. Hutch again struggled with Michael, but Trini wasn't carrying anything this time. Nothing. No overnight bag, no diaper bag, NOTHING. It would seem word of her possible pregnancy had spread through the group like wildfire.

As the rest of the group struggled, fully loaded, up the walkway, Trini smiled and laughed. Russ snapped a picture and she waved at him. This might be fun after all.

The fear of hating the "Hollywood People" was gone... Trini felt great, everyone was having a great time. Life was good. Again. Still.


"Hutch, I love you, but you are so full of shit!" Trini was laughing at her husband, but Huggy continued to eye his friend skeptically. Hutch was feeding him so full of crap and Huggy had bought it. For a minute.

"White boy, you shouldn't oughta lie like that. Bad karma and all." Huggy pushed Hutch and laughed, "I find a voodoo man..."

Hutch's glare stopped Huggy, but sent everyone else into a fit of laughter.

Melody came over then, and Hutch felt Trini bristle beside him. Kissing Hutch on the cheek, she whispered, "Michael's tired. I'm going to see if James and Marcus are in their room. If not, I'll lay him down and wait in ours."

Starsky nudged Leslie and nodded to Trini. "She hates Melody. Look at her," he whispered.

Leslie nodded and said, "So do I."

Startled, Starsky looked at his wife, "Really?"

Meeting her husband's eyes, Leslie stressed, "Really."

Melody leaned on the table and batted her eyes first at Huggy and Hutch, then turned to Starsky and repeated the move. Adding a thousand watt, toothy smile this time.

Looking at Starsky again, Leslie repeated herself, more firmly this time, "Really." Snubbing melody right back, Leslie grabbed Candita by the hand and said, "Come on, girlfriend. I don't wanna throw up watching this."

Candita laughed and joined her friend. Melody had to use all her powers not to glare. She knew it'd make her forehead crease anyhow. Melody didn't want any creases or lines on her perfectly made up face. Hutch felt it was overly made up, but wisely kept his mouth shut. It's just give Trini more fuel against the woman.

"So," Melody purred, "I'm all alone with the best looking men on the ship." All three men shifted uncomfortably. Melody was what they all commonly referred to as a "man-eater." Just for fun, she stalked, had her fill, then moved on for the next kill. Even if they weren't happily married men, Melody wasn't something any of them would partake of on a bad day.

Quickly, Melody added, "With all this manliness here, I may forget all the questions I needed to ask, but I'm sure gonna try."

She pulled a tape recorder, and pad with pen from her purse. Huggy's brows raised as he looked to his two friends. The presumptuous bitch hadn't even bothered to ask if they minded. Melody thought her silicone tits, bleach blond hair, and fake nails were hard to resist. Hutch decided to prove her wrong.

Nodding slightly to Huggy, Hutch rose and politely informed Melody, "Actually, this good looking man is heading to bed with his good looking wife." Looking to make eye contact only with Starsky and Huggy, Hutch said "Goodnight, guys. Swim in the morning?"

Barely concealing his grin, Starsky nodded. Huggy laughed and whispered, "Jackass. Got out of it."

Politely staying and finishing their drinks as Melody quizzed them, the two men stayed trapped with the man-eater.

As Hutch walked off, he began to whistle.


The pool was delightfully warm and everyone joined in today. Michelle had Angie on her big shoulders as they attempted to wrestle James off of Huggy's thin, little shoulders. It wasn't hard to see who'd be the victor, but it was all in fun.

Hutch had Michael balanced up on an inflated alligator toy. He and Starsky pushed the boy between them while Michael threw his head back and giggled that laughter only an innocent child can.

Laying back in the recliner seats mounted in the pool, Leslie and Candita watched the action in amusement. Especially when Leslie and Marcus "helped" knock Huggy backwards.

Candita smiled and said, "Surprise my love held him that long. he not all that sturdy."

Trini laughed and then sobered quickly. "Maybe not on the outside, but Hug's made of strong stuff inside. Good, kind, stuff."

Playfully smacking Trini's exposed arm, Candita informed her, "I know. I married him, didn't I?"

"Yeah," Trini sighed, "None of 'em are perfect, but they're ours and we love them. Most of the time."

Both women laughed.

Starsky grabbed his great-nephew from behind and "stole" him from Hutch then. Casting the Hutchinson glare at Starsky for taking away his son, Hutch made everyone laugh when he stuck his tongue out at Starsky before turning towards Trini. Looking poolside, Trini rolled her eyes and laughed when she realized Russ and Doug had seen it all and were laughing. AND snapping photos.

"Great," Trini laughingly groaned, "now the whole world gets to see their immaturity."

Watching her husband swim to her in his long, strong stride made Trini forget all about his immaturity. Looking over her sunglasses in appreciation, Trini whistled low.

Looking at her friend, Candita shook her head and smiled. "What Is it with you two? Like rabbits, I swear."

Hutch reached Trini then and rose out of the water looking every inch a Greek God, body glistening in the water that rolled down his chest. He leaned over, dripping, to kiss his wife.

Looking down at her once dry upper half, Trini teased, "Thanks lover. Now I'm all wet."

Hutch wiggled his eyebrows and whispered, "I meant to get you that way."

Trini pulled him to her and playfully kissed him again before he allowed her to push him under the water.

Candita laughed and looked over before mumbling, "Rabbits."




Trini was so relieved to be home. The traveling, the washing and unpacking when they got back, the eating out constantly while gone... it all added up. It was nice to leave, but always great to come home again.

Michael was asleep, Hutch was outside checking the pool chemicals, and Trini was mixing up cheeses and eggs for lasagna when Hutch came back in.

Reaching out to the sink by Trini to wash his hands, Hutch asked, "We're having lasagna? I was thinking we could eat out."

Exasperated, Trini spun and pointed her mixing spoon at Hutch.

"We've been eating out for over two weeks now, I wanna eat..." It was then that Trini noticed Hutch's disarming grin as he lounged against the cabinet. She normally loved that grin, but he was being a little too "ornery" today for Trini's liking. He knew it, too. And, he also knew he could win her over with that delightfully delicious way of smiling. Trini tried to fight the urge to forgive him as she turned away to finish fixing dinner before heading to work.

Hutch knew he was being a pain in the ass. He couldn't help it. Maybe it was 'cuz Trini used to be a Starsky. Hutch really wasn't sure why he tormented his wife so, but he knew he needed to stop before she kicked his ass.

Smiling, Hutch moved to kiss Trini's shoulder through her shirt.

Trini looked at him sideways and said, "Back."

Hutch laughed and tried to be nice for the first time all morning, "Lasagna sounds wonderful."

Trini pushed him away gently, "YOU don't get any. I'll order you take-out wise-ass."

Smiling even bigger, Hutch pushed himself into full Hutchinson charm mode. He knew he could win her over. Maybe that's why he started this shit all the time. Just to make up.

His eyes twinkled and glowed with merriment when Trini chanced a glance at her husband. Hutch's smile, so warm and loving, won again.

Sighing and turning to Hutch after setting down her spoon, Trini admonished her hubby, "You practice that grin when you were younger, Hutchinson? You did, huh? I can see you... your young, stud-muffin self, practicing these grins, smiles, and flirty looks in the mirror.... THEN, you figured out what worked best and stuck with it. Not fair, Ken. Not fair."

Looking crushed, Hutch pointed to his chest and said, "Moi? I would never do anything like that."

Allowing Hutch to pull her closer, she snuggled against Hutch's sun warm chest and grinned, "You did. You worked on that look."

Hutch smiled into Trini's hair, and mumbled, "Well, maybe a little."


Leslie had office books to finish with Candita. Books Trini wasn't even allowed to lift. She couldn't believe it when the other two women had decided to work late, but sent Trini home.

Driving home, Trini mumbled to herself, "I'm pregnant, not helpless." Still, since the doctor had confirmed what Trini had rightly guessed, everyone had been treating her like a porcelain doll. Hutch's fears for Trini and the baby were worse this time. She wasn't sure why, but Hutch was EXTRA paranoid this time around. Trini supposed it was just because so much had happened last year. The accident, their frightening near-separation. Hutch cherished every minute with Trini and Michael... as much as Trini did with Hutch. Still, he worried about everything. Smiling a little, Trini supposed she'd rather have it the way it was. People who worried and stressed over each other were better than ones who didn't care at all.

The smell of lasagna greeted Trini when she opened the front door and stepped inside. Hutch had actually listened to her and put it in on time.


"I'm impressed," she thought to herself.

Michael and his joyfilled laughter directed Trini out to the back yard. Smokey and Percy were romping across the yard, making her child laugh and run after them. Sitting cross-legged on the grass, watching his child play, Hutch's whole face was aglow.

For a minute, Trini had a hard time catching her breath. Her husband was always good looking, but when he smiled and played...especially with a child... he was even more handsome. Wide, toothy smile that went all the way up to those cornflower blue eyes, the way his face crinkled in delight... Trini placed a hand to her rapidly beating heart and tried to breathe normally.


"My Lord," Trini thought, "That man is gonna be the death of me. Gonna kill me one of these days when I stop breathing..."

Looking up from their playtime, Michael saw his mother and called out, "Come play, Mommy!"

The smile Hutch had been directing towards his son never faltered when he looked up at his wife, but it changed somehow. Trini loved it when he smiled at her like that. The eyes previously so full of merriment, now filled with such intense love. Trini's poor heart almost faltered. Again.

Ruffling her sons curls, Trini bent to pick him up and kiss him, "Hello sweetie. You playing with Daddy?"

Michael nodded and wiggled to be free to chase the pets again. Trini let him down and sat on the patio close to her husband. She looked to Hutch and he was giving her "that" look. Handsome head cocked to one side, eyebrows lifted. Trini was about to ask him what the hell the look was all about when she heard her uncle behind her.

"Katrina, you supposed to be picking that boy up?"

Very pleased with his friend, Hutch nodded once at Trini in his "Just what I was thinking look."

Trini rolled her eyes and called out, "Katrina? My, I am in trouble, huh?"

Coming outside, Starsky asked again, "You supposed to be liftin' him?"

Ignoring her uncle's comment and her husband's look, Trini rose and held a hand out to help Hutch up. He chose to reach for Starsky's hastily outstretched hand for help instead, informing his wife, "I weigh a lot more than our son."

Trini sighed and headed inside. She started to close the doors and called out, "I will be setting the table if that's alright with you two. 'Battle Ax' thinks that's fine, I'm sure."

Smugly, both men looked to each other and laughed.


Patting his stomach, Starsky said, "Whoa, Trini. That was great lasagna. Thanks."

Michael was still eating and Hutch was cutting up more for him. Nodding to Michael, Starsky said, "He likes it, huh?"

Hutch laughed and nodded as he kept cutting up small pieces to feed his ever starving son.

Trini rose to start clearing the table, "Glad you liked it. Wanna take some home for Leslie and the boys?"

"Nah. She took them to their friends' house. We're going out after she gets done at work."

Hutch gave his friend a nasty glare that said, "Way to go, Gordo," as Trini started in, "Well, I suppose you could already be out if I'd been allowed to stay and help."

Sighing, Hutch informed his wife, "That evil woman you call a doctor said you work too hard. You do. It's not worth you getting sick. Or worse."

Saving them all from disagreeing more, Leslie came in through the kitchen door... sniffing.

"Mmm. Trini's lasagna?"

"You hungry, Les?" Starsky questioned. "I thought you ate with Candita. Sorry."

Bending to kiss her husband, Leslie said, "No. The boys were getting impatient to go eat at Lance's. They had movies to watch, girls to sneak out and see..."

Starsky laughed, "Take after their old man, huh?"

Hutch couldn't resist, "Horny and hungry. They're all yours, Starsk."

"Bite, me, Hutchinson. Bite me."


The doorbell rang bright and early the next Sunday morning. Trini was expecting the visitors. Opening the front door, Trini smiled at Hank and his unknown guest.

"Come on in," she greeted them. Stepping aside to let the men pass, she told them, "Hutch is upstairs in the shower. His stuff is in the garage. I'll help you load it in the van."

Hank looked to the man with him and said, "Oh, sorry you two. Katrina Hutchinson, Sonny Warner."

Reaching out, they shook hands.

Smiling at the man, Trini told him, "My husband and uncle have no idea about this. Leslie, Cand and I agreed because you're not hauling our hubby's off to Hollyweird."

Hank laughed, but Warner looked confused. Trini wasn't sure the man was too bright. Hank confirmed Trini's fears.

"Uh, Trini... Sonny here owns the studio that will be producing the movie. I wanted him to meet the men behind the characters."

Looking at the man with mild amusement, Trini just nodded and led the way to the garage.


"So this is the idiot who wants to put a couple unknown morons in the lead roles instead of the men who can play them the right way? He'll see...a weekend with these two, and he'll see who's perfect to play the best cops. The one's who actually lived it."

Hitting the garage door opener, Trini helped the men load Hutch's outdoor gear. They were staying in a cabin in Colorado, so Hutch would be fine with the little bit Trini had packed. The studio had provided enough food for the two studio members, Hutch, Huggy, and Starsky. All Hutch needed was his fishing gear, sunblock, and clothes. Leslie and Candita had packed all the same stuff for their spouses.

Shutting the back van door now that all of Hutch's stuff was loaded, Trini turned to Hank and winked, "Give me a minute with Hutch. Gotta tell him he's going somewhere."

Hank's laughter followed Trini back inside.



Starsky was pissing and moaning and squirming in the van like a 3 year old. Hutch punched him in the arm and said, "Quit being a freakin' baby. You're not gonna die. We're staying in a cabin. We have food. We're almost there. Shut up."

"Yeah. Whoopie. A cabin. You remember what happened last time we had a 'peaceful' weekend in a cabin in the woods? You remember that, Hutch?" Hank laughed and continued to take notes of everything the men said even though the tape recorder was running. Still, as usual.

Hutch shook his head in exasperation, but remained silent. Starsky didn't.

"Well, I remember. I thought about it the whole flight. Now, I'm thinking about it the drive up into these woods. I hate the woods, Hutch. Who's idea was this?"

Huggy laughed and informed his bitching friend, "This idea was conjured from the curly-headed mind of one Miss ex-Starsky."

Eyes wide, Starsky looked to Huggy, then to Hutch. Both men nodded their heads in confirmation. It had been Trini's idea when the studio had called her.

Closing his eyes and laying his head back on the seat, Starsky grumbled, "She loves Hutch more than me. Making me go in the hills. I hate the woods. I hate the hills. I hate her."

Now Hutch laughed.


Hutch bounded from the van the instant it stopped and stretched. Drawing in a deep lungful of mountain air, he smiled. It was nice to be here. Trini had known just what to do for him. For Starsky, too. Even if he wouldn't admit it.

Huggy slowly stepped from the van and looked around. He leaned over to look down the mountain face. He turned to his left, then to his right. He looked up, and to the cabin. Then, Huggy looked to his friend and said, "Man. I hopes all goes well. Don't see how we could get any kind of help ifin we needed it."

Starsky glared at the man as he walked off, then hurried to keep up with him. No way did Starsky want to be out here alone. It was already getting dark.


"The reason we wanted to talk with you guys about the cases, out here, alone, was because this is our new plan. We, at the studio, want you guys to play you. On the TV. We decided to go television instead of movie. It'll be a mini-series event. I figure it's gonna take 3 nights to cover all this. The public will be drawn in by you three telling the tale. We'll have actors to portray the 'flasback' scenes, but it's going to be told by you three, and the voiceovers are you guys as well."

Starsky leaned forward and looked Hank in the eye. "Us? You want us to play us? In a movie? What about our PI business?"

Hank blurted out, "We figured it'd help your business."

Rubbing his eyes, Hutch told him, "It'd help. For awhile. But, none of us could work on cases anymore... providing the show did well. People would recognize us."

Shrugging, Huggy looked at the other two men in "the trio," and asked, "I speak with my comrades outside a moment?"

Whipping his head quickly to Huggy, Starsky asked, "Outside?"

Hank laughed and said, "We can go outside, can't we Mr. Warner?"

Sonny Warner nodded his clueless nod and followed his worker out the door.

Speaking in hushed tones, Huggy leaned forward and said, "I don't know bout yous two, but I's bout ready to let Lunk take over anyhow. I gots lots of traveling and fishing to do."

Staring at the floor, Starsky remained silent when Hutch looked at him, so Hutch spoke next. "I think we might just run the business end. It wouldn't bother me to let Lunk and his boys take over the undercover work. I'd be just as happy. Starsk?"

Shrugging, Starsky still remained silent. Hutch reached over and ran an understanding hand down his back. Starsky looked up into Hutch's eyes, so filled with understanding and love, and nodded.

"I just... it was so long... too long without all of us together. I just don't wanna lose that again." Starsky blushed a little and looked away. He needed Huggy and Hutch as much as they needed him. He didn't need to be embarrassed about that. Not at all.

"Hey," Hutch started, "we're family. Nothing can come between that. Nobody's moving away, or dying Starsk. We'll have more time together if we do this."

As usual, Starsky's thoughts weren't of the financial end of things, but of the emotional end. Hutch smiled. His dear friend worried and cared too much, but it was what had kept them all here...together and in one piece.

Huggy jumped in, "Yeah, Curly. I meant the fishing and stuff I wanna do with you guys. We the 'Musketeers', my brother. Ain't nothin' gonna change that."

Slowly, Starsky began to smile that gorgeous and carefree smile. Hutch smiled back and nodded before going to the door to let the hovering Mr. Warner and Hank back inside.


The next morning, the men awoke to the smells of eggs. Starsky's nose made him sit up, then he kicked out his foot to jiggle the edge of Huggy's bed.

"Hey, Hug. Wake up, let's eat."

Huggy rolled over and looked Starsky in the eye. "Starsky. I don't eat this crap. I brought my own 'stash' of food. You go. Help yourself. I, the former chef, shall prepare my own delicacies later."

Starsky shrugged and bounded from bed. He was eating. Now, not later.

Bounding down the stairs, Starsky stopped mid-way and groaned. Somebody must have opened the door in the night and let the 'strays' in. Melody was downstairs. Starsky could hear her high pitched, fakey laugh. Pasting on a smile, he continued down the stairs.

Hutch had been intently watching the stairs like dog waiting for it's master to come home. At first sight of the Starsky curls, Hutch's face broke out into a relieved smile. If the man had had a tail attached to his cute butt, it woulda wiggled at the sight of his best friend coming to "save" him.

Quickly rising from his seat across from where Melody had placed herself, Hutch grabbed a plate and filled it for Starsky.

Shoving the plate at Starsky before he'd even sat down, Hutch extra-cheerily said, "Morning, Starsk! You ready for that hike? I know you wanted to get out of here today!"

For just a moment, Starsky was almost ready to say "nah" and let Hutch seethe the whole day... trapped inside with the ever clinging Melody. He couldn't do it to Hutch, though. Starsky knew if he trapped Hutch, he was trapping himself.

Shoveling in big mouthfuls, Starsky eagerly agreed to the dreaded hike which would lead to the equally dreaded fishing. "Give me a minute, Hutch. Ready in a minute!"

Melody pouted in the fashion she must have been told was cute once. It wasn't. Well, not to Hutch or Starsky anyhow.

"You boys leaving me here? I was hoping we'd do some more research. That's why I came up here...script research."

Shrugging and pointing to Russ as he pulled Starsky from the table, Hutch informed her, "Russ got a lot on the way here. I'm sure he'll share."

Knowing full well Melody's eyes were glued to Hutch and Starsky as they departed, Russ flashed "the bird" at a beaming Hutch as they escaped.


Grabbing two fishing poles, his tackle box, his gun, and a duffel bag full of supplies and a first aid kit, Hutch started up the mountain. Starsky was close on his heels. Melody had them running scared.

After the two men were far enough away to feel safe, Hutch sat down on a fallen log to talk with his friend. Straddling the log, Hutch nodded to the empty spot in front of him. Starsky plopped down in front of him and questioned, "Yeah?"

"Yeah. I wanna hear your take on this movie thing. If Huggy had dragged his ass out of bed..."

Both men looked down the hill to the cabin as they had the same realization, at the same time. Their friend was trapped. With the man-eater.

Looking back to each other, they both laughed, then Hutch took up where he'd left off.

"... anyhow, I wanted to talk with both of you. Privately." Smiling wickedly, Hutch looked back to the cabin, "If Huggy's still alive, we'll talk to him when we get back."


Returning to the cabin, Hutch went inside to start cooking the fish he and Starsky had caught for dinner. Nobody was around but them.

Starsky came from upstairs, "He's gone, Hutch. Think he was gobbled up?"

Hutch laughed and shrugged. "No telling. Lost of scary, man-eating creatures out here."

On cue, the front door of the cabin opened to reveal Huggy helping a delicately limping Melody inside. Warner looked worried, Russ looked bored, Huggy looked irritated.

Setting herself gently in a chair {with Huggy's un-needed help, of course.} Melody looked up, batted he lashes over her large, bug-like eyes, and cooed, "Oh, Mr. Bear, you are a gentleman to help me like this."

Huggy turned to head for the kitchen and some ice. And to get away from Melody.

As he passed his two friends who were pretending to be intent on making dinner, Huggy whispered, "You white boys are dead."


Carefully avoiding Melody again the next day, the men packed and prepared to return to their lives. The decision had been made. The three men would play themselves in a TV movie about their lives together. It felt weird and a little surreal, but it also felt good.

Starsky had made them all laugh when he'd said, "Well, I guess they'll hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth if we do it, huh?"

Hutch had rolled his eyes and informed his friend, "Starsky, you have the right to remain silent."

Huggy groaned and grabbed his pack. "I'm leaving you two on this here mountain if yous don't stop that."


Leslie reached to hold the man she'd missed terribly the past few days. Starsky feigned sleep, but his body didn't.

Reaching out to her spouse, Leslie sighed dramatically as she ran a finger across the mass of still dark hair that covered Starsky's chest. "I wish my husband was awake," she sighed again, "I sure missed him."

Still unmoving, Starsky waited for his wife's next move. Impatiently, but still he waited.

Pretending to give up, Leslie rolled away from her man and teased, "He must not need me. He had Melody all weekend."

Starsky reached out and swatted Leslie's tiny rump and grunted, "Not me. She's been 'had' a lot, is right, but not by any of us."

Rolling in to face each other, the Starsky's smiled lovingly. Starsky was the first to reach out. Laying his hand on Leslie's hip, Starsky began a slow, gentle massage. Leslie scooted closer.

Reaching out to mimic he husband's movement, Leslie commented, "I have no idea how you guys tolerated that buggy-eyed tramp. I wouldn't have. I couldn't stand her on the boat."

Looking surprised, Starsky said, "Really? When she rolled over yesterday, she said..."

"You shit!"

Leslie giggled and grabbed for Starsky's ribs. Tickling was nice. Especially as a prelude to lovemaking. The gentle, teasing touches. The laughter making the moment light and gentle. The knowledge of where the touching of tingling, warm skin would end.

Leslie had missed her husband. Sitting up, Leslie pulled her husbands old teeshirt off that she used as a sleepshirt and hit him in the face with it. Starsky laughed and pulled his near-naked wife back down on the bed beside him. Running his hands across Leslie's still firm and tanned belly, Starsky bent his head to kiss her where his hands were roaming.

Sighing, Leslie knew they still had it. And good.


Trini's tummy was growing by the day according to Hutch. He was convinced, and not in a bad way, that he could see their second child growing. Trini knew he was full of shit, and imagining it all, but it was cute. She'd only gained 9 pounds of "baby" so far and she was over 5 months pregnant. Trini ate even better than usual, and always continued to exercise gently, while pregnant.

Laying beside her in bed, Hutch looked to his dreaming wife and smiled sweetly. Trini was softly snoring, her brunette curls splayed about her head on the pillow, the mound of their new child moving gently up and down with each breath Trini took. Hutch scooted down in bed and rested his head softly on Trini's stomach. She awoke slightly and reached down to run her fingers through his hair. Hutch smiled again and waited until Trini dropped back into a deep sleep before moving.

Sliding away from his wife, Hutch got out of bed and quietly exited the bedroom. Stopping first at Michael's room, Hutch went in to look at his son.

Bending over to look at his son's face, Hutch smiled as Michael's lips puckered into a small smile in his sleep. Smiling bigger himself, Hutch quietly slipped from the room and made his way downstairs.

Sitting at the office desk downstairs, Hutch placed both hands on the desk and drew in a deep breath. He had to do this. He was a sensible man, and it was a sensible thing to do. Still, writing a will... well, it seemed so... morbid.

Hutch opened up his will form and filled out what their lawyer had directed him to. He would make sure his family was taken care of, even if he was gone.

Finished, Hutch folded the forms up and put them back in the envelope. Then he reached for the blank paper and began to write the letters he wanted included in the will reading. Hutch wrote letters to Leslie, Candita, Angie, Michelle, Huggy, James, Marcus, and Michael with a fair amount of ease. After their new child was born, Hutch would add a letter for that child as well.

Rubbing his eyes that were watering, Hutch flexed his writing hand and looked at the blank paper he still needed to fill with words of love and thanks for Trini and Starsky. Hutch wanted them to know how much he'd needed them while he was here, how much their totally unconditional love had meant... how lost and lonely he would still be if not for them.

Wiping impatiently at his eyes again, Hutch started the letter for Starsky first.


"Hey babe. If you're reading this, I went first, but I'll save you a spot right next to me. I don't wanna go through the "after" without your friendship..."