Before you turn to page 1 and dive right in, a few words to you, dear reader. When we first conceived the idea of the RED LIGHT trilogy, some years ago, we didn't think it'd take this long. And, frankly, the whole mood of the piece has changed somewhat from our original outline. But we think it's still valid for the Starsky and Hutch we saw on the screen, and who we developed through ONE MORE MOUNTAIN and ONE MORE RIVER.

People change with the passage of time. We have, and it seems logical that if we are following the 'real' lives of 'real' people, then they too will undergo changes. Some for the good -- some less so. Change is a fact of life. Without it, we stagnate -- and so would they. That's reality. There are other kinds of reality, and some of them are in this story. We make no apology for any of this.

But we do apologise for keeping you waiting. You've been very patient. So now, read on. And, if you can, enjoy.