
Our grateful thanks are due to: --

Kathy, who typed every draft with unflagging willingness. Oh, the joys of a word-processor!
Paula, for yet another fine job of editing, turning a mediocre first attempt into the result you hold now.
Jody, for encouragement, devotion, and infinite patience. Without her, this wouldn't have been ready for another year!
Suzan, for producing a stunning portfolio with just an outline to work from.
Jean, for permission to use her "Starsky" portrait as our frontispiece.
all the ranks o fandom. Your continued interest made this happen!

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Typing              1st, 2nd, 3rd and final drafts - Kathy H.

Proofing            Whoever we could blackmail.

Editing             Paula S.


Distribution        Cat & Dragon Press -- Jody 

Illustration        frontispiece -- Dargelos
                                                      All others   -- Suzan Lovett